Prank War

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This was requested by taylortay8888. Hope you like it - sorry for the wait.

It all started out as a seemingly innocent locker room prank, then devolved into a full-fledged battle.

After practice one day, the 3 of us girls were delayed in our arrival to the locker room. Once we arrived, we quickly noticed our clothes had been moved. Julie was the first to spot them in the showers, fully soaked as snickers from the boys filled the air. We didn't waste any time in getting them back though - escalating things only slightly. At the next practice, myself, Connie and Julie privately informed Orion that we needed to leave early. In that time, we made sure to freeze every article of clothing that didn't belong to us. They were annoyed but saw it coming.

We thought it was done after that - but Goldberg had other ideas. What ensued was a short series of low-grade pranks. Nothing special, basically your typical April fools pranks - Averman even brought out the whoopee cushion, but it got ruined by Adam sitting on it before he could be warned. Goldie's reaction to Julie's toothpaste oreos was weird yet not entirely surprising. At first, he recoiled, outraged by the change. But once he found out the truth, he decided to bag up the others because it meant he wouldn't have to brush his teeth ever again.

This back and forth went on for about a week. However, it wasn't until Charlie's skates being tied together, when I pretended to fix my own laces, made him crash and burn that things heated up. At the end of practice, shots were fired. Short fuse about to blow, Charlie called for a meeting.

"That's it! Whoever is your leader, meet me in here in the middle of the room." He demanded. After a silent discussion, I was chosen as the captain.

"What is it, Charlie?" We faced off.

"Clearly, you don't plan on stopping."

"You started the antics, bud." I reminded him straight-faced.

"It's not just me. If anything they've done more than I have. Plus you could've stopped too."

"Oh, my god, Charlie, get to the point!" I had little patience for his rambling.

"I propose that we partake in a prank war, officially with higher stakes - meaning something better than laces and whoopee cushions."

"Under what terms?"

"Boys vs girls."

"That's not fair. There's way more of you than there is us." I protested.

"Fine, you can get a little outside help from other girls." He clearly didn't think it through but we went with it.

"How do we determine a winner?"

"By seeing which side has the most successful pranks by the end of the allotted time frame."

"Which is?"

"End of the month?" Meaning a little over 2 weeks.

"What do the winners get?"

"What do you want?" He was cocky and over-confident about the boys having an obvious advantage.

"You guys have to do whatever we want for 2 weeks - goalies assigned together and Goldie can't try sabotage again or complain about Julie being the starter."

"Okay, well, when we win, you have to do the same thing, but Julie has to let Goldie be the starter for the 2 weeks."

"Coach won't go for that." I shut him down.

"Fine, we get the same thing. We'll keep track on the board at the back. Do we have a deal?" He extended his hand. I turned to the girls for their judgment - nodding at the arrangement.

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