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I decided to go for a long walk to clear my head - I seriously needed to get out of the house. Unfortunately, part way through this walk, it started raining. The rainfall has only gotten heavier - but I've gone too far to just go back. Feels like I'm already catching a cold. I can't go home - someone is bound to say something if I do. I wander in the rain aimlessly for another 10 minutes. Through the droplets, I try to figure out where I am. Looking to my left, I see a familiar house. I don't know if Fulton's home, but it's worth a shot. Standing in the relentless rain, I knock on the door - hoping he answers. Though it feels like a lifetime, the door finally opens.

"Jeez, you're soaked." Fulton states the obvious as he catches sight of me.

"Really? Didn't notice." I fire back - sniffling through the sarcasm.

"Sorry. Come in." He moves out of the way and let's me in.

"I look like a drowned rat." I groan as I walk past him and see my reflection in the living room mirror.

"No you don't."

"Sure I don't." I scoff.

"Hang on, I'll be right back. Don't sit down." He instructs as he leaves the room. He quickly returns with clothes in hand. "Here. Change out of your wet stuff. I'll go grab a couple blankets."

As Fulton leaves again, I take a closer look at what he handed me. A Red Hot Chili Peppers shirt, a black hoodie, some grey sweatpants and a fresh pair of socks. Desperately wanting to get out of my drenched clothes, I quickly change into Fulton's dry ones. Right as I put the final thing on - the socks - Fult returns with the blankets he promised. He throws them onto the couch and puts my wet clothes on radiators to dry as I take a seat.

"So, what brought you here?" Fulton asks as he hangs up my shirt.

"Needed to get out of the house. Didn't realise I'd come this far out - so it's a surprise to both of us."

"And you didn't think to bring an umbrella?" He questions.

"It wasn't raining when I left the house." I state. "Besides, I let Averman borrow my umbrella a few weeks ago and he still hasn't given it back to me."

"You should know better than to let him borrow stuff." Fulton chuckles.

"I know, but I can't help it. He can be so helpless sometimes." I playfully whine as I join him in laughing.

"You're not his mother, you know?"

"Yeah, well, someone's got to look after him." I shrug and giggle.

"You want something to eat or drink?" He asks.

"Yeah, please." I smile weakly as I look up at him.

"Hot chocolate?" He asks, knowing how cold I am. I start nodding frantically like an excited kid - making him laugh and shake his head.

Once again, Fulton leaves the room. I grab the blankets and quickly bury myself beneath them. My head is the only part of me that isn't covered. Gotta start warming up. A few minutes later, Fulton comes back with some hot chocolate and a slice of cake - a welcome surprise.

"You're the best." I grin as I take them off him.

"Yeah, I know." He sits beside me, getting under the blankets and kissing my forehead.

I practically inhale the cake and place the plate on the table in front of us. After warm up my hands on the mug containing my hot chocolate, I put it on the table next to the empty plate. Now without anything else to hold on to, I cuddle into Fulton as the TV plays. I try not to fall asleep - though I wouldn't complain if I did.

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