Charlie Conway's Day Off

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Sophp4 has requested another happy Charlie story. Sorry about the wait - hope you like it!

Lately, the Ducks have been a bit of a mess - and a lot of the reasons have been out of our control. Having a new coach that couldn't seem to hate us more doesn't help - nor does the loss of our favourite cake-eater. After an unsanctioned game against Banks and the Varsity turned violent, Orion kicked Charlie and his attitude off the team. Fulton and I followed without hesitation. Though we were a little surprised and hurt to see that none of the others were behind us. I, at least, was under the impression that it'd be a big team walk-out. I was wrong.

When we were alone and we'd all calmed down a little, we quickly realised that we couldn't show our faces. Eventually, we agreed to skip school until further notice - praying that our parents don't find out. Though we each left our houses this morning to prevent suspicion, we headed straight to Fulton's alley as we had previously planned. Sitting upon the steps and crates, we ponder our next move.

"So, what can we do?" I ask.

"I don't know. What do you guys wanna do?" Fulton shrugs.

"You guys have seen Ferris Bueller, right?" Charlie questions with a devious tone.

"Yeah..." Fulton and I share a confused glance.

"They went anywhere and did whatever they wanted."


"So... We'll go wherever we want and do whatever we want." He smirks.

"Yeah, that's cool and all, but there's one problem." Fulton raises an issue. "They stole the dad's car. None of us can drive yet."

"No, but we can skate." Charlie grins. "Grab your skates and let's go."

"Are you crazy? My mom is still home - I can't just grab my skates." I freak out.

"You left them at my place dummy." Charlie reaches into his bag and pulls out my rollerblades - clearly this was all premeditated.

Swapping boot heels for blade wheels, we jet off down the street aimlessly. Weaving between whatever stands in our way, we make sure to avoid places our parents are likely to be. Eventually, we grind to a halt at the bowling alley just outside of town - it's way better than the one near my house. The feeling of bowling shoes has always been a weird one to me, but we lace them up nonetheless.

Punching our names into the system, the order is set. Captain Conway, me, then Fulton. Only 3 frames in and Fulton just got his second strike - insane.

"Dude, how do you do this every time?" I question, laughing in disbelief as the powerhouse joins me in our seated section.

"I don't know." He shrugs - clearly proud of himself as Charlie prepares to take his turn.

"I'd say it's sheer power more than accuracy." Charlie chimes in as he turns after rolling his ball.

"Yeah, that's usually the case." Fulton confirms.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you break a bowling ball or something. Damn it." Charlie groans when he realises that he rolled the ball right down the gutter.


"Sucks to suck, Conway!" I chirp him as he tries to salvage something from his turn.

"I still got 7. I'd like to see you do better." Charlie scoffs as we pass each other.

"Is that a challenge, Conway?" I call over to him with an amused grin.

"Yeah, L/N it is!" He plays into it. "If you get more than 7, I'll pay for food at our next stop."

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