Legend Of Pumpkin Puck

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At first, I hated it. But soon enough, it held so much meaning. This is the story of how I became known as Pumpkin Puck.

I hadn't been on the team all that long. I joined with Luis and the others. We'd all become great friends by the time we had won the Goodwill Games. However, it took until October for them to give me the nickname Pumpkin Puck.

The Ducks and I had been playing some street puck all afternoon. Charlie even dragged Bombay along to play instead of coaching for once.
Goldberg invited us all to his family's diner to continue celebrating our gold medal win (we celebrated for months).

After hours of playing, we started skating to the diner. Usually, it'd take maybe 15 - 20 minutes to get there. This time, it was different because of the incident. Everyone was having their own separate conversations. I was in the middle of talking to Julie and Dean when I noticed a problem with a delivery truck that passed us. The locks were coming undone. Nobody could stop it in time. Quickly after that, small pumpkins began to fall from the truck and roll down the street. I broke off from the group and started zooming down the middle of the road.

"What are you doing?" Banksie called after me.

"Someone's gotta get them outta the street!" I shouted back.

With that being said, I began gathering the child-size pumpkins - sweeping them off the road with my hockey stick. It was impossible to do all by myself. Just a moment later, Luis passed me to help collect the ones that had rolled further down the street. I looked up and let out a sigh of relief as I saw the rest of the Ducks coming to aid me.

It was like some unexpected teamwork exercise. It ended up being pretty fun. The whole time we were laughing with each other - joking around and even used an unusual combo of team-ups (like Julie and Dean or me and Dwayne).

"Not your usual roundup, huh, Cowboy?" I laughed as I passed a pumpkin to him. Sailing it off the road, he laughed and pretended to tip his hat.

When the road was finally cleared, we huddled and celebrated like we'd just won a game. May have even been the highlight of the day.

"Let's hear it for Pumpkin Puck!" Averman cheers after turning to me.

"Who you calling Pumpkin Puck?" I smirk.

"I mean you did show them who's boss."

"It's a bit on the nose, wouldn't you say, Averman?" Fulton put his arms around our shoulders, secretly loving the new name.

"I like it." Dean shrugged.

"Yeah, suits you." Connie added.

Coach called the delivery company and we all sat and talked whilst we waited for someone to collect the stray pumpkins. It took a while, but we eventually made it to Goldberg's diner.

We stayed there until it was dark out - eating everything the diner had to offer. Somehow we never ran out of things to talk about. There's not a single person that I didn't have a full conversation with that night.

"Hey, Y/N." Goldberg interrupted my conversation with Kenny.


"Pumpkin pie?" He offered, pulling a slice of pumpkin pie from behind him whilst Averman and Guy snickered from behind him.

"Haha, very funny, Goldberg." I rolled my eyes.

"Is that a no?"

"Don't you know me at all?" I pretended to be offended. "Pass me a fork."

"That's my girl." Fulton said proudly as he did his iconic fistbump with Portman.

"Hey!" Portman yelled as he jumped to his feet, raising his milkshake to the sky. The room fell silent as we all looked at him. "All hail Princess Pumpkin Puck!" Everyone went wild.

We all spent the night at Banksie's house. We were on a sugar high. Games and karaoke went on for hours in the basement (which, luckily, was soundproofed). During the crash, we basically passed out on each other.

I woke up the next day with my head on Fulton's chest, Dean using my feet as a pillow and Ken laying on my arm. Across the room, Charlie was cuddling Adam's shoe like a teddy bear. Poor Julie had Goldberg and Averman's feet by her face. In typical Connie and Guy fashion, they fell asleep holding hands. Russ, Luis, Dwayne and Jesse were all in some kind of pile up. Who says you need alcohol for an amazing, wild night?

Best. Day. Ever.

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