Unlikely Friends

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School is a nightmare. Eden Hall has proven to be much more challenging than I anticipated. Other than this feud with the Varsity team that has been consuming my life, homework is killing me. Don't get me wrong, I love to write stories and things of that nature, but essays are a thing of the devil. The time constraints, the tedious and repetitive points you have to make and the way my hand cramps because of it. I wish I could fight whoever came up with the idea of writing essays.

The subject of today's waking nightmare: Jekyll and Hyde.

Thankfully, we have a week to do it. I want to get it out of the way though. However, I'll probably procrastinate until the last second. In order to know anything about what I have to write in advance, I'm using my free period to read up on the necessary chapters.

Whenever I decide to catch up with work (and it's nice outside) during a free period, I always head to the same picnic bench on campus. It's one of a few that overlooks the grassy hill with trees few and far between. There may be others in the area, but this one quickly became ours. Charlie even carved a simplified version of our logo to brand it as ours.

With the essay question in mind - and my bag tucked under the table - I start reading the relevant passages. However, after a few pages, I hear my name coming from my most unlikely friend.

"Hey, Y/N."

"Hey, Scooter." I look up at him.

Despite the bitter rivalry between our teams, Scooter has become a good friend of mine. He's actually pretty down to Earth (unlike his ignorant teammates) and he's been nothing but kind to me since we met. I ran into him outside of school once - he helped me out when the bags ripped and my groceries went everywhere (going as far as getting new bags and helping me carry everything home). From that moment on, I knew we could become good friends.

"Let me guess...English essay?" He asks, noticing my book as he sits opposite me.

"What else would it be?" I sigh as I close the book and put it to the side.

"What do they want you to write about this time?" He takes an interest.

"The duality of man, fear of science, science vs religion. All that kind of stuff." I list off the themes.

"Yeah, we did the exact same thing last year."


"Well, the literature hasn't changed, so why would the questions?" Scooter makes a fair point.

"How'd you do?"

"I got an A+. Best in the class actually."

"So humble." I quip, making him roll his eyes playfully.

"I'll help you out if you want." He offers.

"Really?" He nods with a small smile. "Thanks."

"No problem. How long do you have to do it?"

"A week. It's due next Friday."

"And you want to get it done now so you don't leave it to the last minute and stress about it?" Is it that obvious?

"It takes so long for me to do essays, man. I spend so long thinking about what points to discuss and how to phrase stuff that I end up running out of time and miss stuff." I explain.

"Your mind is running a million miles a minute. Your hands can't keep up."

"Exactly. It's not my fault my brain works that way, but they penalise me for not writing as much as other people - even though I put a good amount of detail into what I do write."

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