Generational Pairs

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I had already written half of this story before I found out about my grandma's passing last night. I felt that I needed to just finish it and get it out there so I didn't lose everything I had in my head as a clear image. Thank you to everyone who sent kind messages - I really appreciate it.

Ever since Bombay decided to take us on, we've been getting better as a team - though there's a long way to go. He's focused mostly on teamwork and not really on individual talent. I'm not sure if Bombay has his latest idea to avoid the work or not. He's brought in some of the old Ducks - pairing them off with the kid he thinks they can best help with some one on one time.

I'm running kinda late today since I forgot to set my alarm. I've never changed into my gear so fast. After lacing up my skates, I rush out to the ice. I apologise before realising I still have music blasting through my headphones. I quickly put them around my neck and apologise again whilst explaining the situation.

"Well, now that we're all here, let's get started." Bombay does a singular clap. "You know why these guys are here. As you can see, there are more of them than there are of you. That is because I felt that one of you needed mentoring by a couple of guys."

"I get it, I suck!" I snap, already frustrated from having to rush here. "We all know you mean me, man."

"Now I know why we got her." I hear a mumble from the older Ducks.

"Yes, Y/N, I do mean you." Bombay confirms.

"No..." I widen my eyes with the most sarcasm one can muster.

"But it's not because you're bad. It's because you've got a lot of potential in certain aspects. You also have a bit of a temper and a slight attitude problem every so often." I can't help it. "Which is why I have assigned you to both of the Bash Brothers."

We've all met and hung out with Fulton before, so I can't complain - he's awesome. However, I don't know Dean. He's Fulton's best friend, so I'm trusting he's not gonna be a pain in the ass.

With everyone paired off and me as part of a trio, we all skate to our sections of the ice. The Bash Brothers and I take one end of the ice whilst Averman takes Sam to the other end in front of the goalies. We haven't even started and they're already chirping each other.

"Hey, Averman! You gonna teach him to hide in the net?" Fulton calls out as Portman laughs with him.

"Funny! You gonna teach her how to break the glass and get ejected?" He fires back.

"I already do that!" I interject.

With a few small chuckles, we turn away from everyone else and get to work. Well, we would if Portman didn't have different priorities. Fulton already looks done with him but let's him get the questioning out of his system.

"Hey, what were you listening to when you came to crash the party?"

"Mötley Crüe."

"No way! What song?" He's weirdly excited.

"Shout at the Devil." Dean just laughs in disbelief.

"This kid is awesome! Fulton, why wouldn't you tell me how awesome she is?"

"I did."

"Thanks, man. I knew I was your favourite." I fist-bump Dean with a tad of smugness.

"I-I don't have a favourite." Both Portman and I raise an eyebrow, not believing a word he says. "I don't!"


"Fine." Fulton sighs. "Just don't say anything to the others." They already know - it's pretty obvious.

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