episode five

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"25 year old female with a life threatening aortic aneurysm with a DNR

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"25 year old female with a life threatening aortic aneurysm with a DNR." The intern reads.

Miranda watches Enora stare at the interns. "What do we do when a patient has a DNR?" She asks.

A hand pokes up and she points. "We give the patient care but do not attempt anything that is considered as trying to save them."

"Correct. What else do we do?" She asks.

None of them speak. Nora throws her head back and groans. "Bunch of morons! You remind the patient of all their options and make them comfortable - but if one of y'all dares try and talk to me about my options I'll reach inside and pop my little balloon." She snaps.

Miranda rolls her eyes. "Enora. You are the patient. Be a patient. You were an intern once."

"I wasn't that dumb." She smiles sweetly. "And I'm bored. Let me back to work-"

"Not unless you have the surgery." Miranda shakes her head.

Nor tuts. "Hands up - what's the chances of this puppy popping right now? What are the chances of it popping when I'm 80?"

"The chances are the same, Doctor Shepherd." A girl responds.

"HA!" She snaps at Bailey.

"Patient." Bailey snaps back, escorting the interns out. "You aren't treating anyone when you have a bomb inside you - what if it went during surgery?"

"Then I'd be in the right place." She smiles. "Tap someone else in and leave me be." She shrugs.

Bailey doesn't find the humour. "You're an idiot." She mutters walking out as she shakes her head.

Enora sighs and leans her head back rubbing her face. She throws the blankets off and gently disconnects the IV. She looks up as the door opens, a smile spreading across her face. "Hi!"

Owen smiles. "Look at you." He catches her in a hug.

"I've been here ages and you've not- where have you been?" She wonders as she squeezes him.

"Teddy was asked to teach for a while so we went to California." He smiles stepping back. "Whats going on?" He nods to the room around them.

Nor sighs. "I have an aortic aneurysm, blah blah."

Owen's eyes widen a little. "Enora! That's dangerous, why aren't you in surgery already!"

She shrugs small. "I don't want it."

Owen shakes his head. "Nora. You do."

"Why does everyone think they know what I want." She snaps.

Owen crosses his arms. "Because we care." He says gently. "I wouldn't have put up with you for those years if I didn't care." He teases lightly.

"You were so whipped by Amelia weren't you? Not even her scary niece would scare you off." She smiles small. "And then you married her!"

"That was probably a terrible idea but it was right at the time." He admits with a chuckle. "Hey, that's what this is. It feels right to deny the surgery but what if you regret it when it ruptures? You likely wont have time to change your mind. Amelia, Meredith, Zola - they all have to watch you die."

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