episode forty two

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Meredith peaks over at Knox as he plays xbox on the couch

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Meredith peaks over at Knox as he plays xbox on the couch. Hayes doesn't trust Mer home alone at the moment so he dropped her here before work - much to Merediths displeasure - so Nor could keep an eye on her. "How old is he?"

"16." Nor says, sipping her coffee. "Addict, one stop away from juvie."

Merediths eyebrows shoot up. "Wow... are you sure it's a good idea-"

Enora groans as she rolls her eyes. "Oh cmon, former addicts are sometimes the best to help other addicts recover. That was the social workers thinking, anyway." She shakes her head. "He's... he's okay, honestly."

"How much moneys gone?" She quirks an eyebrow.

Nor scowls. "Mom." She tuts.

"Hey - first hand experience, remember." She tuts. "I'd go to the bank and you'd take it before I'd even had chance to count it."

Enora blushes. "Yeah... okay, a few 20s here and there. But he hasn't spent them. They're in his sock drawer which he doesn't know is checked." She whispers.

"Saving for a binge?"

"I don't know, I don't think so. I think withdrawal shook him up." She shakes her head. "My thoughts are he's saving incase he has to run." She admits. "He's never had a stable, comfortable foster home."

Mer looks at him again. "How is he with the girls?"

"He doesn't go near them. I see him smiling at what they do sometimes but they're loud, they seem to freak him out. I don't think he's ready for that craziness yet. He's never had younger foster siblings."

"Just... dont leave them with him." Mer says quietly.

Enora scowls. "Mom." She tuts.

"Hey, I'm being safe." She says. "Anyway. How was being chief of paediatrics?" She smiles proudly.

"Tough. Long. Tiring." She admits shaking her head. "I've never let my kids down so frequently."

"It's harder when they're younger." Mer agrees. "You guys were all older when it was my turn. Or I had more help."

"I got plenty of help, it isn't that. I just like being home regularly. I can say no to shifts, I can do what needs doing then be home to tuck them in. There would be days I didn't see them other than on a phone and it killed me." Enora takes a shaky breath.

Mer squeezes her hand. "We're back now... albeit coz I fell."

"You every gonna tell us how you really did it?" Enora hides her smirk with a sip of coffee.

"Never." Mer says, venom in her tone.

Enora sniggers and shakes her head. "It can't be- okay okay!" She holds her hands up in defense as Mer glares.

Knox comes in slowly. "I'm gonna... go nap." He points up stairs.

"We'll keep it down." Meredith promises with a smile.

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