episode twenty one

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Enora lays in bed, Dash beside her with his head on her thighs, as she stares at the ceiling unable to sleep

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Enora lays in bed, Dash beside her with his head on her thighs, as she stares at the ceiling unable to sleep. It's the first night she's back in the apartment all by herself and it feels... strange. There's so much going on in her mind and she can't handle it. It's like Amelia said - this is the hardest thing. She has never wanted to use opiods more. But at the same time she's never wanted to use them less.

She takes a deep breath and rubs her tummy. "Hey Bambi... I'm your mom." She says slowly. Chief is always encouraging her to talk to the baby but she's been too afraid. "I know you don't know me well yet, I haven't had the courage to admit to myself that your real but..." she gasps softly at the kick to her hand. "You know me so well already." She breathes closing her eyes as she tears. "I'm do sorry for all the stress lately... your grandfather decided to come back to life. God that'll be a story to tell you one day that you'll laugh at probably. And I'll tell you off coz it's not funny. But then I'll probably laugh with you too." She whispers, smiling.

"Grammy Meredith, don't tell her that's her name yet, bought your crib yesterday. She says I should really make a start on getting things sorted since you'll be here before we know it but... that'll make it even more real." She sighs. She giggles as Dash lifts his head; she scratches his jaw. "No buddy, I'm not talking to you." She rolls her eyes. "I suppose I I now, you wanna go for a-" She laughs as he leaps up already running to his leash.

She hauls herself up and slips some leggings and a loose tshirt on, clipping his leash to his collar. She grabs her purse and puts it over herself, heading out as he pulls her along. "Alright hold your horses." She tuts as she pauses to lock the door. She makes her way down and out with him just as Cormac exits the house carrying a box - ready to go into the moving van. She frowns deeply.

He clears his throat. "Nor... I didn't expect you back..."

"Going somewhere?" She crosses her arms.

Liam comes out. "Hey dude!" He kneels by Dash.

"Liam, why don't you take Dash for a walk for a minute?" Hayes suggests as he sets the box down. Liam takes the leash from Nor and jogs off with the dog.

Enora crosses her arms. "Does she know?"

"Meredith doesn't know yet so I ask you don't mention it." He says gently.

"Where are you going? Is this a house move or am I losing a mentor?"

"Both." He nods small. "I can't get mixed up in this, Norry. Your dad is... he's alive. That's all Meredith has ever wanted isn't it? I know if it was my Abigail, there'd be no competition." He says gently.

"Yeah? Well it was all she wanted. Until she met you, you moron!" Enora hits his arm. "You seriously think my dad would have expected her to wait? To never move on? He gotta suck it up!"

Hayes cracks a genuine smile. "Yeah, well I can't-"

"Stop saying you can't. Don't run away. You have a home here. Your boys are happy, Hayes, you are. Don't move because my dad is selfish. Move because of a job opportunity or something just please don't run away from her. She can't take that."

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