episode sixty one

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Nor leans on the crutch as she makes her way to the coffee shop. She pulls the door open and makes her way inside, glancing around. She makes her way to the corner by the window, pausing before the table. "I didn't expect your call... its been almost a year."

They take a deep breath and l2ook at Enora. "I can't really explain why I called other than I miss her."

Enora sits down with a soft sigh. "She misses you too, Kai."

They look over at Nor

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They look over at Nor. "How..."

"How is she?" She guesses when she notices they're too nervous to ask. "She's getting better. After her relapse, she took some time. Her and Scout went travelling for a month."

They frown at the mention of the relapse. "It all happened because of me."

"Not really." Nor shrugs. "If an addict is going to relapse, they'll do it. Regardless of what you do or say sometimes." She reaches a hand out and takes Kai's. "Blame won't get yourself anywhere."

They smile small and glance at her. They take a deep breath. "I... I want to see her."

Enora's eyebrows shoot up a little. "Oh?"

They shrug a little and pull their hand from hers. Their eyes avoid her, look around the room. "I want to see her. Talk to her. It's been a hard time for me, too."

"You lost a mentor. Loss is hard no matter how many times it happens, but we can all understand how the loss of Doctor Hamilton is going to hit you hard." She says gently as she watches them. "But you push her aside. You didn't allow her grief, you couldn't accept her help in trying to get you to start processing. Amelia is chaotic and often misled but her intentions are always true and pure. She didn't deserve you blowing up on her like you did."

"I know." They finally look at Enora, jaw tense. "I know she didn't and I tried to apologise a thousand times but she just-" they cut themself off.

Enora raises an eyebrow. "She went and got high?" She finishes. "Yeah she did because that is her default. For almost 6 years, you were her go to. Her stability and her anchor. She leant on you when she felt the urge, when she got close. But you were suddenly gone in more ways than one and she didn't know what to do. That was her go to." Enora glares, taking a deep breath. "You don't understand unless you've been there okay? I'm not fighting her corner because she's my aunt, I'm doing it because I've been where she's been."

Kai is silent for a few minutes, staring at the table. "If... if I'd been there, could I have stopped her?" They look at Enora with serious eyes.

Enora sighs deeply. Regardless of what she says, she can tell Kai will blame themselves. Amelia overdosed because she was emotional, Kai was withdrawn and they'd argued, she didn't have Scout at the time and she was desperate. She finally finds the words. "Yes."

Kai takes a shaky breath. "How-how do you know?" They swallow hard.

"Because. Because I know that if I didn't have anyone checking on me, I'd automatically go for that. The last time I came close was moms wedding. I was in a state and no one pushed me to express the emotions or talk about it. I went to Hayes car and I found some painkillers. He found me with them but he didn't take them - he sat with me and talked me down. He didn't know what to do in that situation but he tried his damn hardest. He didn't belittle me or shame me, he supported me. Said we'd get through it if it's what I had to do."

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