episode eighty four

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Enora smiles wide as she climbs out of the car as the front door opens and her babies rush out. She catches Lowie and Bam in a gigantic hug before squishing Grey on the middle as he finally catches up. "Oh my gosh." She gushes and she closes her eyes. Holding them close.

For 3 weeks she's been stuck on video calls, notes passed by Corey, text messages and phone calls. For 3 weeks she's been stuck waiting for whatever sick bug decided to wipe one of her kids out and prevent her going home to them. She's hated every single minute but now that's up, and she's home!

"Mommy missed you so so much." She mumbles and holds them close.

She and Corey wrangle them inside and she sits with all of them on the couch as they fill her in on the last 4/5 weeks of their lives. Nor tries her hardest not to cry ever 2 minutes. But let's be honest, here, she does. And no one judges her.

She wants to carry Grey inside but Corey protests and shoos her away. She sighs and heads inside, content on holding the girls' hands. She gives her mom a tight hug and then they head straight to the couch where a few gifts and some flowers wait.

"Oh what's this?" She smiles.

"This is from Knox." Harlow says as she hands over a card from one of the bouquets.

Enora pulls it open and quickly reads it. 'Mom, I'm glad you're home. It means I'm one step closer to being home, too, and finally giving you a hug. I'm so sorry I had to leave before you woke. I love you♡'

"Forever apologising for having a life." She mutters softly to herself, making a mental note to call him later and remind him he never has to be sorry. His career comes first - this is a time to be selfish.

"And this is from us!" Rosie hands her a gift bag.

Enora smiles and peaks inside. She can't help but laugh. "Now you're really trying to stitch me up."

Corey smirks from beside her, sat on the arm of the couch. "You said you've always wanted to scrapbook. Now you got the time and the resources, there ain't no excuse baby."

Enora shoves him playfully and shakes her head. "Ass."

"God, you've been home 5 minutes and already you're falling into old habits." Mer teases as she finally sits down after rushing around cleaning up the last bits.

"Like I have said a thousand times, I just want things to be normal. Normal and natural." She says sternly. "Or I will jump off a bridge and spite you all." She smiles sweetly.

"And we believe you." Corey kisses her head.

They settle in for the rest of the afternoon and most of that is spent napping for Enora and the kids. They just want to be close to their mom - especially when she's all they have now.

Jax is gone. He left, for good.

And just a few days ago, Enora's lawyer paid a visit with some documents and a letter. Jax surrendered his parental rights, he expressed a desire for Corey to adopt the kids and he wishes for them to just let him go. At the time, as part of the initial shock, Enora agreed. She knows what she said but didn't think he'd listen. He's never listened. He's always just pushed and pushed and pushed. Why did he just decide to stop?

The kids don't quite understand why their dad hasn't been around the last 2 weeks but they've been preoccupied with Enora to worry too much. But they'll wonder soon. And ask why.

'Mommy told him to do one'

That wouldn't go down well.

In the letter, he said about doing what's best. He hurt her, the kids, their sons. He hurt their family. He can't ever take it back. And so leaving is his final peace. Their final peace on everything. The kids will grow up in a stable home, not torn 50/50 or 60/40. They won't have to hesitate about accepting Corey or loving him. They won't have to ask why daddy broke mommy's heart or ruined their family.

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