episode ninety three

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"I want you to get a chest x-ray, just to be sure-"

Enora rolls her eyes at Isobel. "No thank you, I'm okay. That's just asking to find something."

Isobel sighs. "I know you're feeling better and you're definitely looking and sounding better but just to be sure-"

"Isobel," Enora says gently with a smile, pausing mid unpack of the dishwasher. "Thank you for everything you have done. You kept this house going for almost 2 weeks so I could rest and still found time to care for me. I am beyond thankful. But I am back, I am fine. Leave the worrying for my husband who can't nag me all day long."

Isobel laughs gently and sighs. "You got it. And it's been a pleasure to look after the kids - especially Grey. I don't think I've ever laughed so much."

"He's definitely a character." She smiles and closes the dishwasher. "There's another character, hi!" She rushes to hug Mary.

Mary hums tiredly as she hugs back. "Hi. Is it November yet? Please tell me its November." She jokes.

"Not yet. 5 weeks, honey, you've got this." Enora grabs her face in her hands. "The baked potato isn't ready yet."

Mary sighs and flips her off. "Got any pepperoni?" She moves to the fridge.

Isobel and Enora laugh. "You know that's a sign you-"

"Need more iron, I know." Mary grabs the tub of deli meats and hums.

"Hey, leave enough for dinner." Enora smiles and wipes down the kitchen sides. "Okay, I better go to therapy and then get my kids from school. What a life."

"Have fun."

"Is that the right thing to say?" Isobel asks Mary quietly.

"Enora enjoys therapy. It's like a day out for her." She says as she wipes her fingers on her jeans.

Enora smiles to herself and climb in the jeep. She gently touches the picture of Corey she keeps on the dash before driving away. She sighs in relief as she finally pulls up outside the office building - it's been almost 3 weeks since her last session and she's so ready.

"Well good afternoon." Kerry smiles as Enora walks into the office. "How are you feeling? You only missed therapy when you were literally on deaths door."

"I'm better, thank you. First time I've been unwell since the transplant... really took it out of me." She admits as she gets comfy on the couch, hugging one of the fluffy pillows.

Kerry sits back getting comfy too. "I can imagine so. Your immune system panicked." She jokes. "So we left off last time on Corey - How's he?"

Enora takes a deep breath. "I think its really been tough on him this time, the whole being away thing." She admits. "And I think it was even harder because he couldn't assess things for himself."

"I'm sure it was." She says softly. "But he knows you're in the best hands."

"I know." Enora smiles small. "I've... I've been thinking lately. About-about our relationship." She looks at the cushion in her lap.

Kerry watches her. "About? Go on." She says gently after a minute or two of silence.

Enora chews her tongue. "He married me because I was dying. I was meant to die." She says slowly. "And-and I didn't. And now yes stuck with me. I feel awful thinking it but..."

"You think he's waiting for it?"

Enora nods slowly. "Exactly that. I'm a terrible wi-"

"No you're not." Kerry firmly says. "It's a wonder we haven't talked already about this, I must admit. Many situations like these are often felt to be just that - a dying decision. Remind me, how long were you with Corey before?"

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