episode one hundred and nine

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Enora takes the front steps 2 at a time as she rushes inside. "Corey, where is Grey?" She calls as she looks around downstairs.

"Park with his friends, why?" He calls down from the nursery.

Enora rushes up. "Jax. He's in town."

Corey is very glad the baby is laid on the changing table because he may have dropped him from shock. The shock very swiftly turns to anger. "Are you f- are you kidding me." He snaps.

Enora runs a hand through her hair. "He... he wants to see the kids." She swallows hard. "Like, he wants to see my kids as if he didn't leave them." She feels angry, too. That's been constantly bubbling under the surface.

"That-that- ass!" He snaps and throws his hands up. "Oh I'm gonna beat his fucking ass. Fuck Dammit shit." He cusses as he realises he swore - he's been trying so hard not to since Buddy was born.

Enora finishes dressing Buddy and scoops him up. "I'm gonna go get Grey. I'm not convinced Jax will stay away."

"Good, means I can smack his stupid face." Corey mutters. He takes a few to compose himself before he heads downstairs.

Enora has Buddy wrapped up and in his stroller, getting ready to head out the door with him. "I'm fast walking." She warns.

"Oh please, easy." He scoffs.

She smirks a little and sets off; her angry walk is fast. Competitive level fast. And even though his legs are longer and he's used to her angry walk, Corey struggles to keep up. Enora's eyes move around everywhere as they make their way to the park a few minutes from the house; Grey is at an age where he wants independence and they're trying to allow it slowly. But Enora may never let him out again at this point.

"See?" Corey says a little breathless as they reach the park and see Grey on a bench with a few friends. "He's okay."

"I knew he would be." Enora tuts playfully. "Just... wanted to check."

He chuckles and kisses her forehead. "You seriously don't think he'll try anything right?" He worries as he looks at Grey.

Enora takes a deep breath and leans on the stroller. "I worry." She admits. "Because I don't know. The man I knew would have killed for his kids but the man I knew left those same kids. I don't know." She shakes her head.

"We'll talk to the kids tonight, tell them to be aware and careful." He suggests. "Oh shit, angry dude at 12 o'clock."

Enora and Corey both whistle and turn, pretending to be looking at the clouds. "No cool!" Grey snaps as he comes over. "You-you told me you trust me!" He snaps.

Enora and Corey jump in fake surprise. "Oh heyyyy!" Enora sings. "I forgot you came here. How ya doing? No, no jokes? Okay." She rubs her neck as her son scowls at her.

"Buddy needed a walk, that's all dude." Corey smiles casually. "We were trying to avoid you so we won't cramp your style."

"You were spying." Grey scowls.

"I promise we weren't." Enora smiles gently and pouts. "You don't need us to spy, we trust you. We know you'll be safe and text when you're coming home so we can meet you."

He huffs grumpily. "Let's just go."

"We can go, but if you wanna stay then you can." Corey says as he turns the stroller to face the path home.

Grey shakes his head and holds one crutch out silently to his mom. She smirks and takes it, then the other, as he grabs the handle and begins to push Buddy. Nor carries the green crutches in one hand as the other takes Corey's.

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