episode one hundred and two

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"I'm almost certain you're lying."

Enora looks over at Mary while Albert crawls along the floor away from her. "Excuse you?"

Mary stares at her mother-in-laws belly. "You aren't pregnant. Or you're not that far along."

Enora laughs and rolls her eyes, dragging Albert back as he squeals. "I am absolutely pregnant. And I am absolutely half way. Heshe is just tucked cozy in there - on my bladder like Rosie was." She giggles.

"Nope." Mary concludes. "You're a liar."

She rolls her eyes again and directs Albert in his moms direction. "On that note, I need to pee."

"Thanks for that."

"You're welcome!" Enora calls as she heads inside. "Hi. Son and lady are in the garden." She says to James as she rushes past.

"Um thanks." He laughs and heads out. He leans down and kisses Mary as he sits down. "Hi."

"Hi... how was it?" She asks nervously.

He smiles small. "It was... weird." He sighs and leans back, laying so he can cloud watch. He's silent for a moment. "Jackson is dead. And I don't know if Jax knows or cares - I don't care." He says quickly. "But I hated facing everyone and having them ask how sad I was, if I was coping, if I could ever forgive him. I felt like a fraud."

"And I hope you answered in a way you felt comfortable." Mary strokes his arm as she watches Albert.

"I didn't... I didn't say much. I walked out before much else could be said... it does no good talking ill of the dead, right?" He sighs. "I don't even know why I went."

"You and I both know it was the closure you needed. The proof that it's all done - no more letters, no more random parcels with gifts and all the other shit he tried. He's gone. For good." She squeezes his arm. "Are you going to tell mom?"

He sits up on his elbows. "When it feels right, I think." He says after a pause. "I think it's not a good time; she's just got on track with life. Maybe after the ball or something."

"You think it's a good idea for her and Corey to go to another ball?"

James narrows his eyes. "I did but should I not?"

"Well last time, she almost died." Mary points out.

"That's not going to happen again." He tuts and shoves her. "Such a debbie-downer."

"I still worry!" She shoves back.

"Now now children." Enora tuts as she comes back out. "Okay, I wanted to prove something." She says as she turns side on, lifting her sweater; she pushes her jeans down a little and relaxes her abdominal muscles, the small, bloated-like swell evident. "That is my bump. Suck eggs, Mary."

Mary laughs hard. "I get bigger than that when I have to poop!"

"Don't hate my bump!" Enora tuts and scowls.

"It's adorable, mom, so big." James says to comfort her.

"Oh Fuck off." She kicks one of the teddies at him and he laughs as he catches it. "Are you guys okay watching the kids while Corey and I are-"

"Saturday is going to be the most epic sleep over ever, okay?" James smirks. "I've got it all covered - we're still on."

"You're life savers!" Enora calls as she jogs to get the door. "Hell- ohhh." She slowly trails off.

The devil herself stands on the doorstep. Her mother in law. "Is he home?"

Enora leans her back on the doorframe and crosses her arms. "It depends which he. I have two individuals that class as a he but I don't think either are who-"

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