episode ninety four

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Enora smiles wide as her phone dings with a picture

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Enora smiles wide as her phone dings with a picture. 'Albert Enoch Andrews, 5lbs 7oz, 17inches' it says, sent directly to the family chat. Nor knew all those details a few hours ago but kept quiet until they were ready to share. The group blows up as she gathers the kids in the kitchen.

"We're gonna call dad, we got some news." She says as she sets the tablet on the island and has them all gather.

"Wassup, Morris-Andrews!" Corey smiles, sitting up from his sunbathing position. He pushes his shades onto his head.



"Why does he get to sit on the beach all day?" Rosie tuts.

They laugh. Enora smiles at her husband, stood behind all three kids. "I got some news for you twerps."

"Oh yeah?" Corey raises a brow. He can't get to his personal phone right now and has to use a secure line, so he has no idea.

Enora smiles wide. "Albert Enoch Andrews was born at 1pm this afternoon-"

"Oh my god!"

"I'm an auntie!"

"Babies are gross!" Grey whines.

Corey smiles wide. "Holy shit! That's early, is everything good?" He checks, a hand over his eyes to shield from the sun.

"He's absolutely perfect and Mary's doing good." She promises. "I'm a grandma... ew."

"Grammy Nor." Corey snickers.

She scowls playfully. "You're gonna get it, Mister." She rolls her eyes and let's the kids run off with her phone to see the photos. She sits at the island and rests her hand under her chin as she looks at her husband and he looks back. "You look tired." She finally says, slightly worried.

He smiles small. "My first day off in months, all the travel kicks your ass. But I'm doing good. Counting down the days."

"And what date are we counting down to now? First it was the 5th of December.  Then the 7th of January and then  12th..." she trails off. They've had several changes in return date since he left. He was due home mid December and thought they lucked in when he got an early flight booked for him. Now its looking more like a month later than that.

Corey sighs and rubs his brow. "Janaury 28th." He admits. "

Enora frowns and fiddles with her rings. "I hate this. I hate that you're so disposable to them. You're a human who deserves to come home, not be messed around!" She tuts. "At this rate, you'll be gone for my 1 year checks. I don't want to do those without you, I can't do them without you."

"I know." He says sternly. "I'm fully aware and I keep reminding them of this. But this is my job, Enora-"

"I'm not doing this crappy lecture again Corey. I rang to to tell you about Albert, I did that. Good night." She mutters and hangs up. She rests her head on the kitchen counter and sighs deeply.

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