episode forty eight

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James chops the onion carefully, glancing at the recipe

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James chops the onion carefully, glancing at the recipe. "How do I.." He mutters, tutting.

Knox jumps on the counter. "Whatcha doing?"

"Ballet." He rolls his eyes.

Knox laughs dramatically. "Ahha ha oh I'm in stitches. No seriously."

"I'm trying to cook Enora's favourite dinner since she's not well. Jax has the girls shopping for last minute Christmas presents, I used the last of Miranda's soup and I refuse to give her some shitty tinned stuff. So I'm making a jambalaya." He huffs.

"Okay. What can I do?" He jumps down.

"Hey no this is my nice thing-"

"You're burning the chicken and the chorizo-"

"Shit!" James rushes to stir both, thankful Knox grabs one. "Fine. But we're telling her it was all my idea."

"If it really matters that much." Knox rolls his eyes.

They're busy cooking, both into it, when they hear a thud upstairs. Knox bolts as James turns the stove off, quickly following. "Enora!?" Knox knocks on the door before entering. The beds empty, covers a mess. He rushes to the bathroom and knocks again. "Nor?"

"Y-yeah, I-Im okay." She breathes heavy, all sweaty; she squeezes her eyes shut as the world blurs.

Knox peaks in and pushes the door open when he sees she's decent. He kneels down by her. "Did you fall?" He and James gently help her stand, both supporting her.

She nods small, taking deep breaths. "Yeah... needed to throw-throw up. Fast." She smiles small and sighs in relief as they help her sit on the edge of the bed. "Can you ca- ahh!" She squeezes her eyes shut and grabs her sides.

"Woah woah, hey." James kneels, frowning. "I think we need to get you to the hospital-"

"N-no it's just- ahh- a stomach b-bug." She shakes her head, eyes still squeezed shut.

"Nor, its been like 10 days now. You've hardly left your room and it's honestly scaring us." James says gently. "Please. Just to get you checked out."

Enora smiles small at the concerned look on their faces; she nods small. "C'mon then." She whispers.

They both wrap an arm around her again and help her to the car, Knox sitting in the back as James drives; James would rather be back with her but Knox can't drive yet.

Enora grits her teeth as she holds her sides again. "Jesus. Fuck." She whispers.

Knox rubs her back gently. "I'm sorry you're in so much pain." He frowns.

Nor gives a breathless smile, winded by the pain. "I-Im okay. Hones- holy shit!" Nor gasps and grabs the back of James's seat. "Oh... Oh!" She realise.

"What!" Knox demands as James demands the same, looking in the rear view mirror.

"J-James... call Carina." She says slowly.

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