episode twenty five

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Cormac looks down at Bambi with a smile, leaning against Mer who cradles the babe

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Cormac looks down at Bambi with a smile, leaning against Mer who cradles the babe. "She's gorgeous, Nor." He looks at his stepdaughter fondly.

Nor smiles, watching her mom. "Thank you. Wouldn't have made it without you both so... thanks." She blushes.

Mer looks up with a big smile. "I'm a grandma, I feel like I should be more upset but I can't!"

Enora giggles. "You absolutely are."

Mer squeezes her daughters hand and looks at Hayes, kissing him gently. "That makes you a grandpa." She whispers jokingly.

Hayes scowls as he rubs his forehead. "Uh-"

Someone clears their throat and the three look over to see Derek in the door. "Hey dad." Nor smiles.

Derek smiles awkwardly. "Jax asked me to come speak to you."

Nor frowns. "You guys are... getting along... weird." She pulls a face. "Where'd he disappear to?"

Mer watches Derek. "He didn't leave did he? I swear to god I'll-"

"Oop there's a baby around Mer." Hayes says as he gently takes the tot. "I'm gonna go show her off to the nurses, give you all space." He says, swiftly making his exit.

"He hasn't left." Derek shakes his head. "He bought his kid brother in... all beaten. I'm not assuming anything but he looked mad and I worried-"

Enora frowns deeply; Jax and James together? Odd. "He wouldn't have done anything, Jax hates violence." She throws the blankets off.

Mer and Derek both rush to stop her but she swats them away. "Enora you need to be resting!" Meredith snaps.

"I need to see if my husbands okay." She shakes her head and grabs her IV pole, thankful she's in an oversized tshirt and shorts. She takes small steps.

"I'm not going to let him use." Derek promises. "I'll send him up here."

"I'm up now. Come on slow poke - mom, watch my child." She says.

Derek and Meredith sigh deeply, Derek following his daughter. He keeps a supportive arm around her, encouraging her to take her time. She rolls her eyes and flips him off each time. She eventually makes it to the ER, Derek leading her to the right cubicle. When she pulls it open, Jax looks over from where James sleeps.

"Hey you shouldn't be up!" He whispers yells in surprise, opening his arms for a hug.

Enora smiles small. "You need me." She says gently, walking into his embrace.

He sighs and holds her close as he rests his cheek on her head, looking at his brother. "My dad did this..."

Enora frowns as she pulls back in surprise. "He did?"

Jax nods small. "He used to be that way with me but... I thought maybe he changed. He and James always had such a great relationship. Turns out - I was wrong." He sighs heavily.

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