episode eighty three

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James taps the arm of the chair as he waits impatiently for Mary. She's getting her blood drawn and then they're going for an ultrasound - he's seeing his kid for the first time. His. Kid. A living - well, growing - child he created.

"Come on then jackass." Mary calls as she exits the room with the nurse, jacket over her arm.

He leaps up and rushes over, taking her hand. She kisses the back of his for comfort and they follow the nurse to the imaging room. As she gets herself comfortable, James can't help but feel lost. Nor should be here, or at least at the end of the phone to answer all their worries, ask the questions they're too dumb to think of.

"Hey. Focus on now for me, okay?" Mary says gently, squeezing his hand.

James exhales slowly and forces a smile. "I'm here, don't you worry."

Mary flinches as the gel is squirted onto her tummy and spread around with the wand. The tech is quiet as he watches the screen, Mary and James holding their breath. "Measuing at about 9 weeks, is that correct?"

"9? Jesus, I guess." Mary blushes. "We didn't really um... keep track." She admits.

The moment the screen turns to them and they can see the flickering grainy image, James has forgotten how to breath. That's his kid. Their kid. Oh holy fuck it's real. Very real, very there.

"Can we know what it is?" Mary asks, eyes fixed on the screen.

"It's a little too early to tell on a scan, I'm not experienced enough, but bloods can tell us." He smiles. "Then we will confirm it at your next scan at 16 weeks."

"I'm hoping it's a girl." Mary looks to James. "For Enora."

James manages a shaky smile and a small nod. He doesn't really care what it is because either way it's a child who will be relying on him. A mouth to feed. A body to clothe. A living being seeking love he doesn't know how to give.

Now he's mentally talked himself onto a very nervous ledge...

Where's Nor when he needs her?


Enora is suddenly awake.

She was dreaming of Corey and then... staring at him. Asleep on her thigh.


That's weird.

She swallows hard and takes a shaky breath, a relatively easy thing considering... well, how hard it was. It was so hard to breathe the last time she remembers being awake. And now it's so easy...


She hears the door open gently and slowly looks over, a nurse entering. "Oh! Hi sweetie. Let me page doctor Pearce and wake-"

"D-dont... wake." She whispers shaking her head. "Leave h-him."

The nurse smiles small and nods. "Of course. How are you fe-"


The nurse chuckles a little. "Very medically accurate, doctor Andrews. Well, I suppose its Morris now."

Enora feels herself smiling a little and even blushing! Ha! She definitely couldn't blush before, her body was working too hard elsewhere for it. She tries to shift a little and winces, leaning her head back as she squeezes her eyes shut.

"F..... uck." She whispers slowly.

"You could have just asked."

She lifts her head and smiles as she sees her husband - HUSBAND - staring at her. "Mr Morris." She rasps gently.

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