|Chapter I: Born Of Terrible Tragedy|

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Dick Grayson watched as the medics ran onto the scene and the twelve year old boy had his face in his hands, as his entire body trembled from both the terror and the shock, the two emotions that currently held him in their terrible grasps, digging their claws deeper and deeper for every moment that passed.

Dick heard ambulances wailing and he was running over to his parents, shaking off the grasps of his family in the circus as he heard the echoing wail of death screaming in his ears and he felt the terror once again. He saw the ambulance workers come onto the scene and he looked closer. He was trying to figure out why they seemed so much more focused on his mother than his father... surely they both needed medical attention.

"Clear a path!" The paramedics were calling out and to Dick's shock, he saw that one of the paramedics was holding a baby. Dick rushed forward in response to the crowd pushing back and the paramedics looked at him. "Sorry young man, but you can't be-"

"Those are my parents." Dick managed to speak up and the paramedics looked at each other before their faces and eyes softened in understanding and the one holding the baby, he looked at Dick.

"You will probably definitely want to meet this little munchkin then." The man murmured and he held out the baby girl to Dick, who carefully took her from the paramedic and the baby looked up at him, as Dick carefully held her. "We managed to get her out in time." He said and Dick was smiling at the little baby girl, despite the situation all around them and he held her close against him, as the baby continued to look up at him with bright, adoring brown eyes that matched his own and Dick continued to hold her in silence.

It was over a month later that now Dick and Liliana, as he had named of his little sister were sitting at the police station together silently in the company of his social worker. Or, technically speaking she was their social worker now since he was no longer the only child of the late John and Mary Grayson.

"So... how you feeling? I got it, got it, stupid question I know." Dick looked up at the social worker, as Liliana was kicking her feet and Dick looked down at his little sister, who stopped her kicking once she realized that she had gotten his attention. "I have some great news." The social worker stated as Dick carefully supported Liliana's head, as he shifted her into a more comfortable position for his arms. "Someone has agreed to be your foster parent. Both of your foster parents." The social worker said with a sort of grin on her face, as Dick continued to remain emotionless, while Liliana was half-asleep apparently.

"Bruce Wayne, he was at the circus the night that your parents died. He saw what happened. I assume that you know who Mr. Wayne is, right?" The social worker questioned and Dick's current attention was split in half. Half to making sure that Liliana was upright and her head was being supported, while the other half of his attention was focused on the social worker and her words.

They had managed to find a rear-facing car seat for Liliana, as Dick and her were being driven out to the outskirts of Gotham City, a long ways out to where Wayne Manor was as Dick got her out of her car seat and he made a funny face at the young one, as Liliana had a sort of grin on her little face and Dick was shaking his head at her and he stuck out his tongue.

In response, Liliana kicked him in the stomach and Dick grunted as he carefully carried her inside and he had his duffel bag across his back, held in place by the strap so that he would have both hands to carry Liliana with.

Liliana had a nursery made up for her a few doors away from Dick and he gently smiled at Liliana, before he placed her gently into the crib and the little one was fast asleep. Dick left her alone for a mere few moments, as he dropped his bag onto the floor and he dragged a sleeping bag, a few pillows and an extra blanket for himself into the room and he shut the door behind him. He knew better then to let Liliana sleep alone... or so, he thought that he knew better at least. But only time would tell.

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