|Chapter XXX: Jason Todd|

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|Chicago, Illinois|

"Man, the dude looks dead." Jason remarked as Liliana turned around to walk backward to look at the two of them, her brother and her best friend. There was stark contrast between the two and not just because there is a bunch of years difference, as she remembered how Dick was more of a defensive fighter and Jason just tended to run and blunder headfirst into things.

"Trust me. There is a difference between dead and knocked out." Dick remarked coldly at the words and Liliana was rolling her eyes at the familiar coldness in Dick's tone, especially when she was comparing it to Jason's sardonic, blunt and sometimes unintentionally funny words.

"Jason, try not to piss him off." Liliana suggested and when she turned around, she saw him salute and she rolled her eyes. "But just for the record Dick, I agree with Jason. The guy looks totally dead." She stated and she heard an annoyed grunt coming from Dick.

"How do you two know each other then?" Dick asked as Adamson was continuing to be dragged across the floor of the parking garage and once Liliana had limped up ahead and had unlocked the car, Dick and Jason had heaved the unconscious man up and into the trunk, slamming the door behind him.

"I trained Jason, back when he first became Robin. Before I left to find you, it was usually Jason and I working together with Bruce and Victoria following up to make sure that we didn't get a chance to miss anything." Liliana said and Dick snorted.

"You made a friend? Who are you and what in the actual fucking hell, have you done with my little sister Liliana Grayson?" He asked and Liliana rolled her eyes.

"Fuck off, Dick." Liliana said as Jason went to go and get his clothes, while Liliana was forced into the backseat of the car and she moved her laptop bag so that she could open her laptop once again.

Jason got back and he handed his case back to Liliana, who put it on the seat next to hers and she was shaking her head as between any of the briefcases, it was a wonder that Dick could see anything else.

"Can't believe it. Also, I need to catch you up on everything that you have missed in Gotham so far." Jason remarked to Liliana, who rolled her eyes a little bit at his excitement about seeing her and meeting Dick, but she had a smile on her face and Jason knew damn well, that she wasn't actually annoyed at him.

"Dick Grayson, meet Jason Todd." Liliana introduced from the backseat, as Dick looked at his sister in the rearview mirror and Liliana scoffed. "What are you gonna say to me now, Dick? I'm not in the mood for any bullshit." She said as she had bandaged her head up from where there was a cut on it and she wiped up the blood from her cut lip quickly.

"I was going to ask when you became so social." Dick remarked.

"Here we are, all together in the same car. This is so cool." Jason had an almost child-like excitement in his voice now as Liliana started fighting the urge to start laughing, at the look on Dick's face that said "No it really isn't" and she coughed.

"Yeah. Real cool." Dick's voice had a cold anger in it and Liliana glared at Dick with a dark look in her eyes, warning him to watch his tone of voice and Dick rolled his eyes a little. "So how long have you and Bruce with Liliana been... been..." Dick struggled for the word.

"Together? Eh, almost a year." Jason supplied the information that Dick really did not want to hear from him and Dick looked like he was about to punch the new guy and Liliana was shaking her head.

"Bruce didn't waste much time. Jason made the idiotic mistake of trying to steal the hubcaps off of the Batmobile, didn't you?" Liliana's tone made it very clear that she knew the answer already and Jason sighed.

"Lili has never been able to forgive me for that one." Jason said and Liliana looked at Dick, who shot her a look with raised eyebrows at the nickname from Jason and Liliana rolled her eyes and she shook her head.

"So, how'd you find us anyways?" Dick asked.

"Well originally, I was going off of Liliana's beacon in her watch. But then we, we meaning Bruce and Victoria realized that after she shut it off when she reached Detroit, it was not exactly a reliable beacon anymore. So I used the tracker." Jason said and Liliana raised her eyebrows in surprise, at Dick's confusion about the tracker.

"What do you mean, the tracker?" Dick questioned him immediately and Jason rolled up his sleeve a bit at the words and he shook his head.

"In your arm." Jason said in confusion and Dick looked at his own arm.

"There is a fucking tracker in my arm?!" Dick asked sharply with the intensity that startled both Jason and Liliana, as he practically spat the words out and Liliana sighed at the words.

"Yeah. In mine, and in Liliana's arm, too. Don't you remember him putting it in?" Jason questioned in confusion, as Liliana lifted her shoulders in a shrug and Jason looked around at the city around them. "So, where are we going?" Jason asked and Dick looked backward over his shoulder briefly.

"I gotta find a place to put that guy." Dick said and Liliana looked insulted at the words. "No, not you, Liliana." He muttered and Liliana was leaning her head against the window, as she was watching the city fly by and she was half-asleep.

"Can I make a suggestion?" Jason asked as Dick continued to drive with no particular direction to his driving.

"Sure." Dick stated.

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