|Chapter XCIII: Once A Titan (II)|

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Victoria, June and Thomas were currently outnumbered over hundred to one in a brawl against a bunch of the doped Gothamites who had drunk the water.

Luckily, all three of them had experience with non-lethal ways of keeping people at bay and this was no time to make an exception to the rules that their mentors had taught them.

Across the city and below Arkham Asylum was the Lazarus Pit and along with Kory, Rachel and Blackfire was Carmen Little.

Jason and Liliana, they had both managed to call her and convince her via their friend Molly and now she was back in the action to help them defend Gotham. "Who are you again?" Rachel asked as Carmen was cracking her knuckles quickly, as she crouched in front of the Lazarus Pit and her eyes were narrowed.

"Carmen Little. Now can we get this over with, people aren't going to last very long if more bombs start going off throughout the city. Crane wants to see the city destroyed and rebuilt in his image. We can't let that happen." The three Titans looked over at Carmen as she spoke and her entire body was covered in rippling pockets of air, the shields that she could form. "If you all aren't ready, then go and leave while you can." Carmen advised bluntly and Rachel looked at her.

Rachel's powers appeared and began to manifest as the crystal in the center of her forehead began to glow orange, as the Lazarus Pit was being absorbed by her abilities and all of the nightmares, worst fears and just about everything else was being absorbed into Rachel.

Blackfire used her newfound heat-wave and solar abilities in order to heat up the remainder of the Pit in front of them and Kory used her new powers to contain the remainder of the vapors after the fact.

Carmen's eyes were ultra-focused at the moment, as her shields provided Kory with extra help in case her new powers had problems and she looked at them. "We have to get moving with this, before Doctor Crane has a chance to set off the bombs all over." Carmen said and they all nodded, as they were all walkin' back up to the surface now together.

|Wayne Manor|

Liliana came into the living room running and she found utter chaos in the making. She saw Dick spinning and flipping all over the room with his escrima combined to make his bo-staff. Although he didn't need it, she lunged into the fight and finished off two that were trying to sneak into the fight against Dick.

Liliana froze briefly at the sight of Fletcher with a gun pointed at the back of Dick's head, but it didn't last for long because as soon as he pointed it toward her.

Dick spun around and his Nightwing symbol shuriken plugged up the gun and as Fletcher fired, it had the clearly opposite effect of killing the GCPD officer instead of his intended target of Dick.

Dick looked at Liliana, whose eyes looked downcast and exhausted. "You need sleep." He said and Liliana was nodding a little.

"Maybe a little." She said and both of them put their weapons away, and in the span of a few seconds both Gar and Jason had come running in.

Liliana moved silently out of the views of the camera, as she shut it off remotely after Dick had saluted it and Liliana tapped her watch and the camera blinked out. "Inside. Let's go." Dick said and he inclined his head toward the clock and Liliana felt hesitation, as she looked over at Jason who was watching the Titans.

"No." Jason said as Liliana reached around and she unclipped her watch from her wrist, as she looked at Dick who sighed a little and Gar went to open the door. "This is a Titan's job. He knows I turned on him and that's enough for me. You guys finish it." It was wise words and Liliana noticed that Dick was looking at her.

"You agree with this?" Dick asked and Liliana put her weapons away as she glanced between the two.

"I am not going down there either Dick, not again. I have spent almost half of my life watching out for you guys in that cave. It isn't my decision to make." She said and Dick nodded a little.

"Thank you, the both of you." Dick said and Liliana looked around at the wreckage of the living room.

"I don't know what you're talkin' about. I was never here." Jason said and Dick nodded, as Liliana tossed the watch onto the floor and Dick raised his eyebrows.

"It's got all the overrides, Dick. Be careful how you use it." Liliana said and Dick didn't know what to say to that, as Liliana silently followed Jason out of the living room and out of the house that at some point, everyone had called home.

Liliana put her hand up to her ear with a quiet sigh. "Everyone still alive out there? Call in." She said.

"Raven, Starfire, Blackfire, Superboy and Shield are still alive and kicking."

"Commissioner Gordon is still online and quite alive, thank you very much."

"Dawson here."

"Archer and Phantom, still very much alive."

Liliana smiled a little bit at the words and she nodded a little, as she shut off her communicator and went into the garage. "Batmobile joyride?" She asked and at the words, Jason had a slow grin spreading across his face.

"No. Not today." He said and she nodded a little, as they disappeared in different directions once again.

|Central Gotham City|

Kory threw the sphere that just used to be the Lazarus Pit up into the skies above Gotham and they realized after it had started working, that they had forgotten all about the lightning.

"We're on it." Rachel looked over at Victoria and Donna, as they had both came running at the sight of the lightning. "Resident younger daughter of Zeus, at your service." Victoria said as Donna and her sent their lassos up high into the sky to attract the lightning.

The electricity flowed through the both of them and they stood solid, as Carmen's eyes widened with some rather clear admiration for the two half-Themysciran warriors as they all were relieved to see that the rain, had started to fall all around them.

The two wound up the lassos again and Victoria smiled a little bit at the sight of just about everyone joining them again.

June and Thomas hugged Victoria quickly and the twins were laughing at the sight of her, as they were all just relieved that they had succeeded in their mission. "Dad is going to kill us." Thomas mumbled as June laughed at his words.

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