|Chapter LXX: Red Hooded Criminals|

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After the fiasco that Dick had explained to the Titans after Bruce had left the city had been stabilized, he had gone to see Barbara... only to come back with even more bad news for them all and Liliana was helping with the computers side of things.

Gar and Conner were asking all sorts of stupid questions about the Bat-Cave and the Batmobile and all that, while Dawn was talking with Kory and Dick while they looked over Liliana's head to see what she was working on.

"It is the Bird's Opening move from chess and then... Robin." Liliana said as her voice very briefly caught in her throat, as she swallowed. "It can't be a coincidence." She said quietly.

"The Bird's Opening, Robin. That can't be random." Dawn noted, not long after Liliana had noticed it as she looked at the young girl.

"Liliana, find all of the streets in Gotham with bird names and then you can cross-reference the numbers for--"

"For phone numbers, addresses, I know the drill Dick." Liliana said as she turned back to her computers and the keyboard, only for a heavy thud to startle her and she nearly hit the roof from jumping up so damn fast from her seat. "What the fuck was- Hank!"

"I pedaled as fast as I could." Hank finished his sentence, right as Liliana barreled into him for a massive hug. "I think that you grew, kiddo!" He said and Liliana hugged him tightly.

"Hi Hank." She mumbled and he chuckled, as he hugged her in return before she went back to her keyboard and glared at Dick. "Get out of my seat." She said and he laughed, as he moved out of the way as she got back to work.

Hours later, Liliana was swinging around in the chair in front of her computer, as she waited for any one of the hundreds of algorithms to find something, bored out of her mind and her phone rang out.

"Liliana Grayson." She answered.

"Liliana, it's Barbara. We have a bank robbery in progress and they are all wearing Red Hoods, just like the one that Dick was shown by me earlier. Can you be ready in their ears?" Barbara asked and Liliana grabbed for her headset.

"I'm online and ready. See you later Batgirl." Liliana stated and she heard Barbara scoffing at the nickname. "I-I didn't think. Sorry." She said.

"It is okay kiddo. Old habits die hard. Now guide them in, I'll get the police on the scene."

They hung up the phone and Liliana slipped her headset on over her ears and she positioned the microphone to her mouth nearly.

"Eagle is online. Call in report, can all Titans and everybody else hear me in the moment?" Liliana asked.

"Beast Boy here."

"Superboy and Krypto."





"Phantom and Arrow."

"All right. Be careful out there and I will be monitoring communications, but you are in the field. Dick, if you need me, I'll suit up--"

"Not unless we are dying."

That about summed up the answer that she had been expecting from him and Liliana kept typing as the security cameras in the bank were now being reconfigured to meet her extremely high standards and she was trying to find out more about the assailants.

"Dick... there is- there is something wrong about this and this situation at large. The people in the bank, they have no signs of any sort of drugs in their system... no accelerated hearts."

"So, what are you telling me?"

"Dick... those aren't the parents! Get out of there, now!" Liliana shouted as Gar's announcement came through as the boys and Krypto had found the parents and through her headset, she heard the sound of a bomb going off and her eyes widened. "Call in, all of you now! Right now!" She demanded immediately and one by one, they all responded and Liliana was choking on a croaking cry. "Everyone, get your asses back here. Now." She said.

Liliana's phone rang and Barbara sounded beyond infuriated on the other end of the line. "I am already trying to track the vehicles, B, I'm sorry that we were wrong. I tried to warn them-"

"It isn't really your fault, kiddo. I just find myself wishing for the day when the half themysciran comes back to town." Barbara said after the rant was over.

"I miss Dawson too." Liliana said as she was typing and watching for the cars. "Sorry B. I can't trace them without knowing what type of car I'm looking for." She said and Barbara sighed.

"That's okay. Right now, kiddo, I have to tear your brother a new one for this mistake earlier."

With that, the call was ended and Liliana took off her headset, as she put her head on her hands and soon after the others got back, they found her asleep in front of the screens.

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