|Chapter XLII: Demons & Allies|

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Liliana, Gar and Rachel were running throughout the house, frantically trying their best to avoid Dick, while also trying to get to their other allies outside of the barrier before the brutal Trigon, if that was his name could even get into their minds. "If he got into Jason's mind, could you possibly bring him back?" Rachel asked and Liliana didn't even want to think about it, but she swallowed back her fear and looked at the two teenagers. Gar Logan and Rachel Roth, both older then her... but still looking to her for advice and Liliana steadied her breathing.

"Let's just hope that none of them have been affected by Trigon, shall we?" She stated and Rachel looked distinctly upset at the not-so-clear answer and Liliana's beacon was still online and she shut it off swiftly.

Liliana was the first one down the stairs and her heart broke when she realized what had happened to their allies. She choked on a sound that was half-gasp, half-sob when she saw that some of the people that she had grown up admiring, like Donna Troy, Dawn Granger and Hank Hall had all been overtaken by the darkness. But it was almost even more heartbreaking to see that Victoria and Jason had both also been overtaken, knowing that Jason had probably been dragged into it by her beacon lighting up. "Oh god, no." Liliana whispered at the sight of the dark veins, the black eyes and the possession.

Rachel looked at Liliana, the youngest in the room who looked like she was about to die and Liliana nearly stumbled, but she kept her footing and she looked at Rachel. "This-- all of this, it was your fault. Look at them!" She didn't mean to sound so angry, but the only thing that she could feel right now, was terrible, terrible pain.

"Your children... aren't they all simply beautiful?" Angela asked her demon lover and Trigon looked at the trio that were not demon-possessed yet, and then as Trigon stepped forward and Liliana reached behind her and she snapped out her bo-staff.

"I have only one child. And to my daughter, I would give the world..." But Trigon had forgotten one thing about most of humanity, other than his lover clearly and once he got too close to the three teenagers, oh boy did Liliana let him know it.

"Stay back, you twisted bastard!" Liliana let out an almost animalistic snarl and the snarl brought Trigon up short, as he scoffed at her words. "Stay behind me, whatever you do. If you see an opportunity to run, you two take it and run like fucking hell." Liliana was taking the position of the leader, that she had never wanted and she spun the bo-staff swiftly.

"You are forgetting one thing that most of humanity has, that you and your wife clearly don't have in your relationship." Liliana dared to speak up again, as the group stopped short at her words and they turned to Trigon, every one of them was looking for his orders.

"Let her speak, I am curious about what this young vigilante might have to say. What is it, that you believe is so important... Little Grayson?" Trigon asked and Liliana's resolve was just that much stronger, after hearing such a sacred nickname come from the mouth of a demon.

"Our flaws, make us human. Love and hatred, two sides of the same coin," Liliana looked over at Jason, then over at Victoria. "So much so, that it is hard to distinguish between the two, until an event tips the balance. Personal loyalty to hubris, these are flaws that can kill us if we let them, but they can also be our greatest strength. Your flaw is hubris, Trigon, and I hope that one day, there is someone who could be your opposite and destroy you. Because nothing, nothing at all, is worth what you are putting us through, nothing. I would rather die than see my family under your control." She snapped and Trigon laughed.

"Well, that was underwhelming. Kill the little girl first before the other one." He said and the first one to charge forward was Jason, swinging hard at her. Liliana dropped her bo-staff and caught the heavy overhand strike, kicking Jason in the knee and she sent him tumbling away from her, but everyone else attacked her at the same time and even with her bo-staff, Liliana was swarmed by too many.

Dick picked her up by the throat and Liliana choked on a cry and tears streamed down her face as she was already nearly dead from the beating that the others had given her and Liliana knew that if he chose to do anything, she would be dead. There would be no way around it.

Dick looked at Jason, who was staring at them while the others were beating down on Gar and Liliana was whimpering in pain. She thought that she saw the brief glint of humanity in his eyes, before he went back to beating down on Gar and Dick threw her hard into the stairwell.

Liliana crumpled into a ball as best she could, as she felt herself falling down the stairs and she thought that she heard Rachel screaming for her, but Liliana was just so, so tired. She couldn't feel where it was coming from, but it was washing over her in waves suddenly and her head hit the floor.




She could hear voices calling her name, but her eyes wouldn't open and she suddenly inhaled sharply, catching onto the hand that had dared to grab her and she twisted it hard. "Ow! Ow! Ow! It's me, Lili." She opened her eyes and she released the hold immediately, struggling to get away from them.

She started crying all over again, when she realized that they were all normal again and now helping her, rather than beating the shit out of her. "C'mon Lili, let's get out of this creepy old house." Jason said and she was hardly able to move properly, as Jason and Victoria did a quick game of "Rock, Paper, Scissors" to see who got to carry her.

"Really mature, you two. Real mature." Liliana murmured as Jason won and she ended up getting carried piggyback, toward their vehicles and she was smiling a little. "It's good to have you all back." Liliana murmured, as Jason put her in the trunk and he climbed into the back of the jeep itself, after Gar and Rachel were arguing over shotgun and Victoria had climbed into the other seat available.

Dick drove them off to parts unknown and Liliana was back to her old habit of leaning against Jason, as she was trying not to picture him with the demon eyes and veins, as she looked at him and Jason raised his eyebrows. "What?" He asked and she snorted.

"You seriously, need a shower, Jason." She murmured softly and in response, he was shaking his head a little bit, and he moved his arms around her and gently lifted her up, so that her head was against his chest again and she moved her arms around him in return.

"So do you, Little Grayson." Jason murmured softly and Liliana, she could not even muster up the courage to hit him for that one, as he smiled at her and her chin was against her chest, and she was sleeping soundly for a small change.

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