|Chapter LII: Short-fused|

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Jason flung open the door to his room with a loud and noisy crash of a sound and then he felt immediate guilt, when he spotted the shape curled up in his bed and he sighed at the familiar sight by now. He very carefully shut the door behind him and when he walked over to where the shape was, he saw that it was Liliana.

Liliana was curled up tightly in a ball and she had her hands clamped tightly over her ears, as she had heard the noise and had immediately thought the worst was happening and in the dark of the room, Jason could see that there were tear tracks on her face. "Hey." He murmured and she was silent, as he carefully moved one of her hands away from her ears and her eyes opened and she yanked her hand away and he raised both of his in surrender. "Hey, easy. Just me, it is just me, I promise." He said and she blinked a few times before she took her other hand off of her ear and he sighed.

"What happened to your face?" Liliana asked and she sat up as Jason lay next to her. "Jason, you look like you got smacked with something." She said and he rolled his eyes at her, before he was nodding in agreement.

"I provoked Dick, I got pissed at not being allowed in the field with the rest of them and I didn't bother to think it through. I tried to hit him." Jason admitted and she carefully turned his head so she could see the damage done. "Hey, I'm okay, honestly. He didn't throw me that hard..." As soon as Liliana's eyes blazed up, Jason knew that he had said something wrong.

"He threw you?!" Her tone of voice was more like a snarl than anything and Jason sighed at the anger in her voice and all traces of fear, tears and pain were long gone like they had never been there and it was all replaced with the familiar temper of red-hot anger, the kind that no one ever sees except if they hurt her family. "Stay here." Liliana's voice had gone past the point of reasoning, as Jason raised his eyebrows at her.

"Hey, what are you doing-- Lili, hey! Hey, hold up for a second!" Jason cursed after she had already slammed his door behind her and Liliana was storming off down the hallway, and at her sides, her hands were clenched into fists.

She stormed into the training room and Dick was finished sparring with Rose, as he looked up at the sight of her and Rose left the training room. "What the fucking hell was that?!" She snapped at him and she could tell that Dick knew what she was talking about, as soon as he saw what was appearing to be a bottomless pit of rage in her eyes.

"He was out of line." Dick retorted.

"Bullshit! You don't throw a teenager to the ground for being out of line!" Liliana snapped and Dick spotted her fists curled at her sides and he was shaking his head. "You should know better than that, especially as the only real adult in this group although God only knows that you hardly ever act like it!" She snapped and Dick looked insulted, as she slammed her fist into the punching bag so hard, that it nearly fell completely over. "If you pull a stunt like it again, I swear to fucking god, that I will get Victoria to drive both Jason and I back to Gotham and I don't care what Bruce says about it." Liliana had said her piece and she was done, she couldn't even look at her brother as she walked out of the room and she was shaking out her hand.

Liliana was still trembling from, the fury, as she went into the kitchen and straight over to the fridge. Liliana swung open the door and she grabbed two bottles of ginger ale and when she swung the door shut again, she was unsurprised to see Victoria on the other side of it. "Look, I know that you're pissed but--"

"If you talk to me right now, I might lash out. Leave me alone Dawson." Liliana was still extremely pissed off and her shoulders along with the rest of her body, they continued to tremble with rage.

Liliana stormed out of the kitchen and she cracked open one of the ginger ale bottles with her teeth, as she held the other one against her hand that felt like she may have injured it with the punch from earlier.

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