|Chapter XVIII: Joyrides|

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After Liliana hit the button, the garage door opened and the ramp sloped upwards, as the Batmobile shot out of the underground garage and the teenagers in the driver's seat and the passenger seats were cheering and whooping, as the Batmobile roared off into the night and Jason was laughing crazily as he drove Batmobile and Liliana cheered.

"How long do you think it will take him to notice?" Jason asked as he swerved and weaved in and out of traffic, as the Batmobile followed the movements and Jason managed to not crash the vehicle, as Liliana watched the scenery flying back as Jason hit the gas and they blazed along at a higher speed and Jason was laughing.

"Considering that I have locked him out of the security cameras from my remote system? I would say a longer time than usual." Liliana said with a mischievous grin on her face and in her eyes, the same glint was there as she had opened a laptop and she was typing and she watched the screen. "But not by much, so you should get us off of the road. As soon as possible." She advised and Jason was smirking at the words.

"Yes ma'am." He said and before Liliana could guess what he was up to, he jerked the wheel to the right and the Batmobile crashed through the barrier and they were driving through the trees and Liliana was laughing at his antics, shaking her head as she looked back to the screen in front of her on her lap.

"Not exactly what I meant, but that works. There are no security cameras in the woods yet. But the ones that Bruce put in, they have been disabled as of..." Liliana hit the enter key and a flash of light went across her screen. "Now. We're good." She said and she held out her hand for a high-five, which Jason did so.

"Is he going to be pissed at you for this?" Jason questioned as they had parked not too far from one of Liliana's thinking spots, as Liliana scoffed at his words and she was shaking her head a bit and she put her laptop back into her bag.

"He never liked having a younger version of Dick in the house. He was always fucking pissed at me, no matter if I did anything or not. "If someone screwed up on a mission, it must have been the kid's fault. Dick hangs out with the Titans, Eagle must be to blame for it." There couldn't possibly be another explanation." Liliana's voice was dark in tone. It wasn't angry exactly, but she sounded like she was sick of taking shit.

"If it makes you feel any better, I was prescribed pills and shit but my first foster family took them for themselves." Jason said and Liliana looked over at him, her eyes sympathetic and she nodded slightly. "People are complete d- shitheads." Jason interrupted himself and Liliana was looking out the window again at the words.

"You were about to say that people are completely dickheads, weren't you?" Liliana murmured and Jason nodded to admit it, clearly seeing no reason to deny it and Liliana had a sad sort of half-smile on her face. "He left, I stayed. It doesn't matter anymore, it was his decision. He was the adult, I had nothing to do with it." Liliana said and she looked over at Jason. "What happened to him?" She asked out of the blue and Jason raised his eyebrows at her.

"What happened to who?" Jason was confused by the question and Liliana laughed, realizing that the lack of information she had given him was not exactly enough to go off of.

"Sorry. Victoria and Alfred know me so well, that they could practically read my mind without any more information." Liliana shook her head, awkwardly scratching her upper arm. "You said that your dad was murdered by Two-Face and that your mom was a smack addict and it killed her. What happened to your uncle?" She asked and Jason snorted.

"You still remember that?" Jason asked the obvious questions as usual and Liliana lifted her shoulders at the question and Jason nodded slightly. "Ray overdosed when I was thirteen. It was in and out of foster care, then I was on the streets after the hubcaps." He said and Liliana nodded a little. "What happened to yours?" He questioned and she looked down.

"Dick wouldn't tell me much. But... apparently the circus was on and the Maroni crime family was owed a lot of protection money by Haly. So our parents paid the price after the ropes were burned with... the old police reports mentioned hydrofluoric acid. I was born not too long after they hit the ground." Liliana said and Jason's eyebrows lifted a bit.

"You're Liliana Grayson." Jason realized and Liliana smiled a little, as she nodded.

"I never told you my last name, did I?" He shook his head and Liliana leaned her head back against the seat. "The last name that I never really felt like I had any claim to, but Wayne never felt right either. Apparently Dick fought and fought fucking hard, for me to keep the name Grayson. I never got why, until I got older and it occurred to me that he may have wanted a connection to his past." Liliana said with a shake of her head, as her watch beeped. "Fuck. He knows." She said and Jason winced, as he pointed out of the window and Bruce was there, along with Victoria who was shaking her head at them.

"We are totally fucked, aren't we?" Jason asked.

"Yup." Liliana said simply and Jason sighed, as Victoria opened the door and she looked at the two of them and was still shaking her head in disappointment and Liliana's eyes widened a bit at the signals that she saw Victoria doing against the side of her leg.

"You should have known better than to go to the same fucking spot, that you go to after every damn mission." Was all that Victoria said and to their surprise, she spun around and her fist smashed into Bruce's temple and the Batman toppled onto the ground, unconscious before he hit the dirt. "I gave him a concussion for sure. If we are lucky, he won't remember this. Now get the fuck out of here and get the Batmobile back to the freaking cave before he wakes up." Victoria had given them an out and Liliana grinned at her. "Go!" Victoria said and waved them away.

Jason needed no other encouragement and he hit the gas and punched it, as Liliana buckled herself into the passenger seat once again and Jason drove it back to the Bat-Cave, where the elderly Alfred was smiling at them and he was simply shaking his head with humor in his eyes, as the teenagers parked and hopped out of the Batmobile. Liliana left the garage open, as Victoria blurred in with Bruce and put him in his room, before racing back and bringing the Bat-Cycle back with her.

"Thanks Vicky." Liliana said and Victoria saluted with a grin, as Liliana walked upstairs and the others followed, as the garage shut behind them and once again, the Bat-Cave was closed off and away from the safety of the rest of the world.

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