|Chapter XXXIII: Wounded & Worried|

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"Can you get your shirt off, or do I need to get the scissors to do it?" Jason asked and in response, Liliana managed to get her shirt off, albeit with a grunt of pain along with it.

"Should I have just sat and took it?" She asked quietly as Jason got to work on the wound in her shoulder.

"What are you talking about?" He asked and he handed her a beer, as she looked at it and took a sip, when he started cleaning up her arm.

"Should I have just let it be, or should I have lost it on her?" Liliana asked and he smiled a little. "Why are you smiling?" She questioned.

"Because I would have done the same thing. I would have attacked her savagely for all of those insults and if you had been looking at Dawson, she was ready to pull out the lasso and destroy Carmen. We were both ready to attack her for you if it had gotten much worse." Jason pointed out and Liliana didn't flinch at the cleaning, until she spotted the needle. "Just stitches. Don't watch." Jason murmured at the look on her face and Liliana squeezed her eyes shut and she turned her head away, as he felt terrible at the fear on her face, even at a small needle that size.

"Are you done yet?..." Liliana looked up quickly at Carmen's voice and Jason was cursing himself internally for not shutting the door.

"What do you care?" Jason asked calmly and Liliana dropped her head again, as her head wound was bleeding again. "I'm going to have to stitch that one up again." He advised Liliana, who nodded slightly at him.

"Just wanted to ask where the beer was at..."

"Have you checked the fridge?" Liliana asked and Carmen looked stunned at the tone of calm behind Liliana's words, as she turned and walked out.

"Okay, shoulder is done. But I have to stitch up your head again." Jason said as Liliana nodded slightly and she shut her eyes, as she waited and Jason started to stitch up the gash on her forehead and she was trying to think about happy stuff, but it wasn't in her nature.

"You guys really would have attacked her for me?" Liliana asked after he had put a bandage over it and Jason raised his eyebrows at her. "She has been your friend since long before you knew me, Jason, so why would you take my side in a fight?"

"Because Carmen is the street kid that feels like she needs to prove herself in every aspect, basically a female me. But you are already knowledgeable about what you need to know and what you do know, so why would I choose to fight for the person who is practically just me with those?" Jason pointed at Liliana, who kicked him in the shin and he winced at the pain in his shin. "Okay, okay, so I deserved that one. But why wouldn't I fight for the person who taught me most of what I know?" He questioned.

"I sent you off of a rooftop." Liliana said.

"You caught me before I fell too far. Victoria only came to help us, because we had been hanging there for too long and you were losing your grip." Jason was quick to counter and Liliana lifted her shoulder in a shrug, wincing in pain at the shrug. "You want a piggyback ride?" He asked and she chuckled.

Liliana hopped up onto his back and her arms went around his neck, as Jason was walking out of the bathroom and toward the living room again.

Dick looked at them and Liliana was silently asleep on Jason's back and Jason was smiling a little bit, as she clung onto him and he carefully sat down.

"What the hell happened to Liliana that made her so trusting?" Dick asked of Victoria, who was watching the two with a smile on her face. Victoria looked at Dick and she sipped the coffee in her hands.

"Jason was the only one there in the Bat-Cave when Liliana bolted off to Arkham on her birthday. I was coming back from Themyscira, Donna had given her birthday presents and left and from what Jason told me of the day before it happened, he was basically the one hanging out with her all day. After she exploded in the middle of the birthday bash that Bruce had set up for her without telling her, she lost it and stormed out. Before the call, they ended up sitting in her room." Victoria started to explain the story.

"She had just lost you to your anger and there was no one else to turn to, so she turned to the only person who was there and who was willing to listen. When she got the call, after Bruce didn't respond she told him what to do with the computers and she left. When her vitals started spiking out of the fear gas, Jason called me immediately, the only name that he recognized on the phone list. I have never heard him sound so scared, so I bolted off. I stole a car from the airport and I took off. I reached Arkham almost 10 minutes before Bruce did and I drove them all back, managed to get Liliana out of there." Victoria was shaking so much that she had to put the coffee cup down.

"You saved her." Dick said and Victoria scoffed, shaking her head at his words.

"I didn't save her, Grayson. Jason did and she did recognize it. They became a team after that and honestly, every time Alfred or Bruce tried to separate them, she wasn't having it and after the first few times, they stopped trying. If I ever wanted someone or a team to watch my back, no offense to you... I would choose those two every time."

"Why would you choose them?" Dick asked and Victoria was smiling a little, as she watched when Liliana started to tremble, she calmed down when she realized that Jason was still there and Victoria smiled.

"That is why. They don't even have to try anymore, they might as well be two sides of the same coin. Jason keeps her calm, she keeps him from going off of the rails. Sometimes they switch and do the complete opposite. When Liliana first started having the nightmares after Scarecrow and Arkham, you would either find Liliana curled up in Jason's room or the other way around and you didn't even see them get there. It was more instincts than anything else, that was the way it was. Which is why whenever she had time, she was face-timing and video-calling us. All the times that she was on the phone, it was either Jason or I. We either had information or we were calming her down. These two are good fighters on their own, but when they're working as a team, I would dare to guess that they could probably even take you down. Maybe." Victoria said and Dick scoffed.

"Whatever Victoria." Dick said and Victoria laughed.

"I didn't even realize that you knew who I was, Dick." Victoria said and it was Dick's turn to laugh at her, as Victoria rolled her eyes and they shook hands briefly. "I guess you are best friends with my mentor though, so it makes sense." She murmured and Liliana shot up to her feet and before she was even fully awake, as the alarm started to sound.

"Easy, kiddo. It's Kory and the others, so sit your ass back down." Dick ordered and Liliana sat back down, as Jason was smiling and Liliana hit him gently and Jason shrugged as he moved his arms around her.

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