|Chapter XL: Koriand'r, not like the spice|

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Victoria stuck to her spot that had moved to be in between Donna and Dick this time and she yelped in shock, as all of them were suddenly being scanned by a purple light and she looked around in surprise and she nearly missed the ship being de-cloaked and she was shaking her head, as they all boarded the ship and Victoria stuck by Donna and was even more freaked out at the sudden surge of it.

Donna kept near Victoria, recognizing the fact that the younger girl was nervous and her snake bracelet on her wrist kept shifting around, which was a real sign of it and Donna gently rested a hand on Victoria's shoulder, as they kept walking.

"Kory? Kory? Kory?" Dick was calling out for her and Victoria raised her eyebrows swiftly at Donna, who lifted her shoulders in a shrug at the tone that Dick was using and they followed him once again.

"I am here." Kory answered and as soon as the door was able to shut completely behind them, it was only then that the ground and the ship lit up all around them, to help them be able to see what they were looking at and looking for.

"I have got to admit... I am impressed." Donna stated and Victoria lifted her shoulders in a shrug, as she was shaking her head at their surroundings and seemed to be speechless for once, or... at least for the moment at any rate.

"How could you possibly forget something like this?" Dick questioned as they were all looking around at their surroundings and Donna kept having to nudge Victoria's jaw shut, as it kept acting like it had plans to hit the floor and Victoria slammed it shut after one of those nudges so hard, that she bit her lip and Donna winced in sympathy.

"I come from a planet called Tamaran." Kory stated it like it was fact and Victoria looked over at Donna, who shook her head in confusion at the mention of it and Victoria turned her head to the other side to look at Dick, who looked even more confused if that was possible.

"Anything else coming back?" Dick questioned immediately.

"I have these images in my head, but they are moving far too fast in way too many to be anywhere near, any sort of comprehensible." Kory explained. "I remember that I came here to Earth on this ship. I remember standing at this console." Kory said and she walked over to the console and Victoria followed Donna over.

"That book is the only thing that looks even remotely old in here." Donna noted to them all.

"It is called Gul'ron Dez Dire. "The Death Of Worlds" in English." Kory stated and Donna looked at Victoria, who had gotten over her shock right up until Kory had spat that bit of info out and Kory sighed. She opened the book and a projection came up of a world, as Victoria raised her eyebrows. "This is a future projection. Tamaran is burning. Unless Rachel dies, my world will instead." Kory stated.

"And how does Rachel do that?" Dick was finally asking the right questions for once and immediately, they all looked at Kory, who was looking at the future vision of her planet that was burning in front of her.

"She doesn't. But someone from somewhere else does." Kory declared rather vaguely and Victoria couldn't stop a snort from coming out, as there was hardly any information from that, and Victoria shook her head.

"Another planet?" Donna questioned as Victoria focused more on the vision than the adults, as she was determined to study the hologram vision and to tell Liliana all about it, when she got back to the house that everyone was staying at.

"No, another dimension." Kory said coldly. "He came here long ago. Destroyed a world, but... then he was banished somehow. But I don't know, this could all be wrong." Kory said and Victoria was watching them uneasily.

Kory pressed a few buttons on the console and there was another hologram up on the console and Victoria's lip twisted with disgust at the sight of the horned... being of sorts. "This being was summoned to earth to conceive a daughter." Kory said.

"Rachel." Dick connected the dots at once and Kory nodded at the name.

"Her father. Trigon. He was summoned, or rather pulled back to his home dimension and imprisoned once more, but she is the doorway that she can walk through. The anchor that will keep him here, this time. Earth will be the first planet that he will cover in his darkness. But eventually, everything, all worlds, my world, will all burn." Kory certainly had a flair for the dramatic.

"Hold on. We may have a more immediate problem at hand." Donna interrupted Kory's monologuing and she grabbed the book, as Victoria walked back over and looked at the pictures over Donna's shoulder. "This is Rachel's father, right?" Donna pointed at the being coming out of the mirror. "Then this is Rachel." Donna pointed at the smaller figure and Victoria's blood ran cold, once she realized what Donna was getting at. "Then who is this?" Donna questioned.

"Rachel's mother?" Dick guessed and he looked at them.

"Shit." Victoria whispered.

"They sure look cozy." Donna remarked and Dick realized what she was getting at, as Victoria was shaking with unbearable pain as she remembered who she had left behind in that house.

"Fuck." Dick said and he looked at Victoria, who was shutting her eyes.

"Liliana is there." Victoria whispered and they all bolted for the jeep along with Kory.

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