|Chapter XXXVII: Asylum|

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"Dick, you can't deny her the right to see her mom--" Liliana tried to speak to her brother about it, but she knew that right now, her words were falling on deaf ears. "Come on Dick, she wants to see her--"

"Who was talking to you?" Dick's words hit her like a slap and Liliana swallowed the rest of her words, as she was shaking her head and she turned to walk away. "Kid. Don't you dare get any funny ideas." Dick advised and Liliana scoffed.

"You took away my suit, my weapons and even my fucking watch that I made myself. What exactly do you think I can possibly get myself into, asshole?" She snapped and Dick looked away from her, as Liliana walked upstairs and found herself looking into the smiling faces of Gar and Rachel, who held out her weapons and her watch, along with her headphones and phone to her and she smiled. "What's the plan?" Liliana asked and Gar held up Kory's phone and Liliana was chuckling.

Liliana was the first one to get a window seat in the Uber car, as she attached her watch back to her wrist and she slipped her phone into her pocket once again. Liliana chuckled at Rachel's words and she was shaking her head. "It is not a federal offense to use someone else's Uber account. Little sister of a cop, remember?" She reminded them as she hung her headphones around her neck and they looked at each other, before at her.

"Even so, Kory, she may still kick your ass." Rachel was speaking directly to Gar, as Liliana hadn't even heard the conversation at all until she had run into them on her way to her room and she chuckled.

"Nah, you will still protect me." Gar stated with no hint of hesitation in his voice and Liliana looked over at him with a small smile on her face. "You both will." He amended and Liliana was lifting her now healed arm, as she was shaking her head a bit.

"We will see about that, Gar. It really just depends on how much you annoy me." Liliana said calmly and Gar looked worried, as she looked over at him. "I'm kidding Gar, I will protect the both of you without thinking. Don't worry about it." She said and the two were laughing.

"Where was this freaking humor weeks ago?!" Rachel demanded to know and Liliana lifted her shoulders a little, shaking her head. "You just needed to see your friends from Gotham City again. That was why you were so anti-social." She guessed and Liliana nodded slightly at her words. "Liliana and Jason sitting in a tree-" Liliana clamped her hand over Rachel's mouth and the girl looked annoyed, as Liliana was shaking her head.

"Stop that. Or I will leave you alone at the asylum, I swear to god." Liliana said coldly and Rachel's eyes widened, as she nodded and Liliana dropped her hand away from Rachel's mouth as they were driving along still.

They crept up to the Asylum in the darkness and Liliana had her escrima in hand, as she looked around hesitantly and she took up the rear with Gar. She swung out hard and one of the security guards had his head smashed in, while the other one tried and failed to taser her. "Run!" She said but it was too late, as Gar had gone down while being tasered. She heard Rachel gasping in pain and without further ado, it was Liliana Grayson against a horde of guards, as she fought back harder than any of the others got the chance to. But despite her training, she was outnumbered at least ten to one and more were still coming.

She felt the tasers slowly starting to do the work and she roared in fury and pain, but her weapons dropped from her hands and she dropped onto the ground, as she felt something metal closing around her wrists and she had the sense that she was being handcuffed and she felt shocks continuing to go through her, until finally everything went black.

Dick and Liliana were both restrained in the same room and Liliana was struggling in a fury even more furiously then Dick was, as she was screaming in terror at the sight of the massive needle in the orderly's hands and she bit hard on one of their hands in a fury, but the needle still went into her neck and she sobbed in terror, as her entire room went black.

She didn't know how much time had past, but she felt someone shaking her gently and she saw that it was Dick standing over her. "I'm so sorry." She whispered and he hugged her tightly and to her shock, she saw tears in his eyes.

"It's my fault. Let's get you out of here." Dick said quietly and she winced, as she was let out of the bonds and Rachel had to help her walk, as she was still recovering from the what felt like a triple dose of whatever the fuck was in the needle and she was limping along.

After they had grabbed Kory, they came face to face with the guards. "That's the girl who took a whole group of us to take down." One of the guards said and Liliana's head was up and whatever had nearly broken her before, that was gone and in its' place was the Eagle, the fighter that was ready to do whatever it took to safe her friends.

"Not enough room for my bo-staff Dick, and they took away my escrima." Liliana murmured softly under her breath and Dick looked at her, as he tore a wrench-like shape off of the pipe on the wall and he held it in his hand. "Ready?" She asked softly and he nodded.

When one guard had dared to shock Dick, the man was swiftly disarmed of his weapons by Liliana and she was lunging into the fight with a roar of fury. Liliana smashed through the guards with a fury that couldn't be matched, except maybe by her big brother who was doing the same thing right alongside her.

Liliana aimed for any viable targets on the guards that could either immobilize or kill, frankly she did not at all, have any priorities to save peoples' lives, she just wanted them all gone so that she could help the others escape. The others, they left immediately after the carnage was done and Liliana looked at Dick.

"Get out of here, kiddo." He said and she looked scared at the tone in his voice, but she nodded in understanding and she spotted her escrima on one of the guards' belts and she grabbed them, kicking him once more in the head before dropping the batons and leaving the asylum.

When she found Dick again, he was watching the Robin suit burning and she moved her arms around him in a hug, as he looked at her and she felt and saw the same pain in his eyes that she felt in her own. "Happy birthday, kiddo." Dick said hoarsely and at the words, Liliana couldn't help but laugh, as it hadn't even occurred to her that it was her birthday.

She was fifteen now and she hadn't even realized it. "Thanks, big brother." She murmured quietly and they walked away to find the others, as they were headed back to the safe house together, as a team once again.

Liliana opened her laptop in her room and she heard a chorus of "Happy Birthdays" coming from her laptop and she was laughing at their words. "Thank you, guys." She said and on the screen, she spotted a bunch of different people.

There was Jason in a spot that was what was most likely his room at Wayne Manor, then there was Victoria and Donna sticking together in a camera that was at Donna's home from what she could recognize from the surroundings. Alfred was in the camera behind Jason, as Liliana was smiling at the sight. She even saw Thomas and June Queen, twins of the billionaire Oliver Queen and known to the Justice League as the Green Arrow. "How long did it take you to organize this one?" Liliana asked and the question was directed mostly to Jason and Victoria.

"Donna did most of the heavy lifting." Victoria said and Donna was shaking her head slightly at the credit being placed on her. "We have your gifts waiting in a variety of places for you, that is whenever you end up showing up again anyways." Victoria said.

"Oh, okay, I see how it is Victoria." Liliana said and she flipped off Victoria, who was laughing at her and Liliana found herself laughing again too. "I miss you guys, really. But I've gotta get some sleep, you wouldn't believe the night that I've had." She said and they all signed off except for Jason, as Alfred had left the room. "How did you know?" She asked and he chuckled.

"You have a black eye, a cut on your lower lip, and you sound nearly half-dead. What the hell happened to you and who do I have to kill to get them back for it?" Jason asked and Liliana sighed, shaking her head at his attitude.

"I'll tell you when I'm not half-dead, I promise. Agreed?" Liliana asked and Jason nodded slightly, as he sighed.

"Love you." Jason said and she chuckled quietly.

"Love you too, Jason. Now get some sleep Robin." Liliana said and he smiled at her, before her screen went blank and she shut the screen, as she put it into the charger and to the side, as she climbed into bed and pulled his hoodie on over her new shirt, as she was too tired to care about cleaning up her face for now.

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