|Chapter XXXVI: One or the Other|

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When the cops showed up, Liliana and Jason went to take care of it and once they let the cops say "All Clear" a few times, they decided to burst their bubbles. Without speaking, the two split up and attacked savagely without needing to speak to one another.

Jason and Liliana were yanked away from their respective targets and Liliana was tossed onto the ground, while Jason was slammed into a pillar. "What the fuck do you two think that you are doing, they're cops!" Dick snapped at them as Liliana got up and shoved Dick away from them, forcing him to back up.

"That's the coolest part about being Robin. Wearing a mask, I can do whatever the fuck that I want." Jason said and Dick looked sickened by the mentality, as he looked at Liliana who had quieted once the boys had started to go at it.

"And, you are really okay with this?" Dick asked and Liliana was looking down at the ground slightly, as she wasn't really sure how to respond to his words and Dick was shaking his head at them both. "There is no way that Batman is cool with you beating up cops."

"He isn't, no way. But I don't see him here." Jason responded and Dick was shaking his head with disgust on his face. "The cops in Gotham kicked my ass every night. Now I get to kick back at them." Jason said and shoved Dick away from them, as Liliana looked at Dick, who was shaking his head.

"You are going to wake up one day and have no idea who you are." Dick explained and Liliana winced at the words, as she knew what Jason's reaction was going to be.

"Coming from the guy screaming, "I'm not Robin. I'm not Robin, I don't wanna be Robin," standing there in a fucking Robin suit, carrying that case all over the country. Do you wanna know the real difference between us? I know who I am, man. I kick ass with Batman, and I fucking love it. But who the fuck are you?" Jason asked and Dick looked pained at the words, but that was only because he knew them to be completely true. "You coming?" Jason asked and Liliana followed Jason out of the building and she could feel Dick's truly disappointed gaze following her and really, following them both out of the building.

They made their way to the car and Liliana had managed to swipe the keys from Dick, when he wasn't looking and Liliana was shaking her head as she changed with difficulty cause of her arm but she managed to get changed and Jason handed her a jacket that was over the head, rather than a zip-up. "Are you okay?" Jason asked as Liliana was sitting on the hood and she looked over at him, shaking her head and he sighed. "You coming back to Gotham with me?"

"I can't abandon my brother, Jason." Liliana murmured and he scoffed, as he sat down next to her and he was shaking his head. "You don't get it because you always knew that your parents were out there. I never met mine and Alfred is dying, you know that. Bruce wasn't much of a parent and as soon as Alfred goes--" Jason saw tears falling and he moved his arms around her, as she buried her head into his arm and he was rubbing circles on her back and she was shaking.

"If you ever need someone... we are here. You don't just have Dick anymore, Lili, you know that and you have to get it through your head that you do. Victoria is here, so am I. Bruce to a certain degree and you can always count on Barbara to help you when things get rough. You are not on your own, you know that." Jason murmured and she was shutting her eyes, as she looked down.

"I can't." Liliana murmured and Jason nodded slightly in understanding, as they hugged each other briefly and Liliana smiled a little at Jason, who was laughing. "Did you steal a car again?" She asked with a knowing look.

"Nope. Motorcycle this time, it is less likely to be tracked." Jason said and they laughed since they both knew that was totally bullshit, as she was shaking her head at him. "Be careful, okay? He doesn't exactly seem stable." Jason said and Liliana scoffed.

"Like you're one to talk." Liliana pointed out and Jason sighed, looking at her. "Don't go anywhere without Victoria watching your back, you hear me? I will get my ass back to Gotham and beat the shit out of you myself, if I hear anything about Robin getting hurt in the news. You understand me?!" She snapped and he nodded, as she threw her arms around him for another hug, as she buried her face in his arm. "Now get going before Dick gets out here." She said quietly and Jason nodded, as he disappeared into the dark and Liliana got into the car in silence, as she was shaking her head.

Liliana got into the car and waited, until Clay got into the front seat and Dick looked disappointed with her, as Liliana lowered her head and Dick drove off to get Clay home safe and sound. After they had gotten Clay home safe, Dick had driven them back to Chicago and he looked at Liliana with disappointment written all over his face and he took her suitcase from her in silence that scared her more than Bruce's anger had ever done.

Liliana went into her room immediately and she looked at the hoodie that she was wearing to recognize it as one of Jason's and she smiled a little bit, as she got into bed and tried to sleep in silence. Hoping that she would be able to after the eventful 24 hours that she had just had.

Because as usual with brothers and sisters, the team never knew how long the grudges would hold for... or, if they would ever be resolved at all. Especially when both of them were vigilantes and trained fighters.

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