|Chapter XXI: A Day in the Detroit Life|

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|Dick's apartment|

Dick put the record on and Liliana looked at him, as he was focused on his suit and Liliana was shaking her head. "You didn't pick up the phone." She said and he barely looked up for long enough to look at her, as he was unbuckling his utility belt.

"I thought you were dead..." Dick started.

"Before that, you fucking asshole!" Liliana shouted and Dick looked up at her, as Liliana had never dared to shout at him before and she was shaking her head. "You left in the middle of the fucking night and didn't even say goodbye! I wake up and you were gone, suitcase, car, Robin and all!" She felt tears falling and she was shaking her head at him. "Was it so hard, to pick up the damn phone?" Liliana's voice broke and she swallowed, as tears streamed down her face and Dick looked up at her and there was a fury in his eyes, a darkness that reminded Liliana of the darkness that had consumed her once and she backed up, fear starting to run cold in her veins at the sight.

"What did you want me to do, Liliana?! Huh? It could have been Bruce calling from your cellphone for all I knew, so I couldn't pick up the phone! What does it matter to you anyways then?!" Dick roared and Liliana backed up at the tone of voice.

"Because I wanted my brother back," her voice quivered and Liliana wiped at her eyes. "I just wanted to know that my brother was okay. My brother, Dick Grayson. The guy who read me all of the bedtime stories when I was a kid, the guy who slept in my room when I was a baby to make sure that I wasn't dead every morning. The guy who taught me moves from the circus, who taught me how to read because Alfred was too busy and Bruce didn't care! I wanted my family back, the guy that I share a name with!" Liliana shook her head. "They were right. I should have stayed in Gotham City. At least back there, I have a family." She said and Dick shook his head at her. "You couldn't even get back for my birthday." She finished and he looked guilty a bit at the words.

"I have to get to work. You should stay here until I get home--"

"You're going to bench me?" Liliana asked and Dick sighed, as he looked at her and she looked wounded at the sentiments that she thought he was giving out and Dick was shaking his head at her and she glared at him.

"Fine, no. Just... just wait here." Dick said reluctantly and he walked away and ended up disappearing into another part of the apartment for a while. Liliana heard the water running and then when it stopped, she heard doors opening.

Liliana had her laptop bag with her and she also had her escrima tucked in the waistband of her pants, which were covered easily by her shirt and Dick drove them to the police station easily, as they walked in and Dick got stares from everybody. Dick walked over to what Liliana guessed was the Captain's office and Dick knocked on the door. The Captain looked up. "Grayson, is there something I can do for you?" He asked.

"Sorry Captain, my little sister was dropped off by our foster parents for a few days. Is it all right if she hangs around, maybe stays in the interrogation room and maybe just works on some homework while I'm here on shift? Unless we need the interrogation room for work, obviously?" Dick asked and the Captain smiled a little, as he stood up and walked over to them and at the sight of him looming over her, Liliana backed up a few steps.

"Absolutely. She can just stay at your desk, Grayson, and we can get her a chair. What's your name kiddo?" He asked and Liliana looked up at Dick, who inclined his head slightly in a nod and she returned her attention back to the police captain.

"Liliana Grayson." She said quietly and the captain smiled at her, as Dick showed her the desk that he worked at and Liliana plopped down immediately pulling out her laptop and when she opened it, she was already starting to type and Dick chuckled, as he was shaking his head at her and her obsession with computers.

"Of course. Always with the computers- just do me a solid and... well, just don't hack here or anywhere, into anything important." He muttered under his breath and Liliana gave him a look, before she swiftly slipped her headphones on over her ears and she got to work on whatever she was doing.

Liliana found out that the police station's so-called "encrypted files" and the "case files" were barely encrypted at all and she was able to break into them easily. Liliana was slyly looking over at the screen where they were showing the pictures of Robin and she clicked two keys quickly, as the screen lit up with all sorts of case information and all sorts of shit, while the cops all were looking confused as fuck, to Liliana's amusement. But unfortunately, she knew that one cop wasn't confused and Dick looked over at her with anger flaring in his eyes.

But she had a plan for that too, which required Jason's cooperation and way back in Gotham, he was laughing at the sight. He clicked a few keys and on the screens of the cops it said "Get proper encryptions, dickheads!" and the cops looked aghast, as Dick glared at his sister who leaned back in her seat with a horrified look on her face that looked so real that if Dick had been anybody else, he would have believed it and he was shaking his head with disappointment.

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