|Chapter X: Persistence|

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"You're going to lose. That is the only warning that I am giving you about this, Jason. Last chance to back out." Liliana warned as she spun the wooden bo-staff around skillfully in her hands and they were using practice weapons, for the exact purpose of not killing each other when they had their sparring matches that always had to be approved by either Bruce or Barbara, despite Bruce believing that pain and fear were two of the most effective teachers.

"I don't believe that." Jason said while he shook his head, as he held a wooden sword in response to her staff and she lifted her shoulders in a small shrug. Despite him being nearly a foot taller than her, Liliana was completely confident in her ability to kick his ass into next week, as she had been doing for the last few weeks at this point. "I still don't believe it." He corrected himself and he lunged forward at her and his sword clashed against the bo.

Liliana shifted her weight and managed to slip under his arm and knocked him in the ribs with the bo-staff, sending him stumbling back with a grunt of pain. "Try to overcome a faster or any smaller opponent with pure strength who has had my type of training, you will lose the fights, nine times out of ten. Get up." She said and he grunted, as he clambered back up onto his feet.

"You are only 13 years old, but you hit with the strength of ten people your age. Ow, shit, that hurts!" Jason muttered and Liliana was completely unsympathetic, as Jason grabbed the practice weapon again.

"It is all about the vital spots, Jason. Once you learn them, you can be nearly lethal." Liliana pointed out and he swung out at her again with the bo-staff, as she allowed the blow to glance off of the staff and she sidestepped, as Jason fell over due to his own momentum and he rolled back up onto his feet. "Also, practice practice and practice more." She recited and Jason yanked out a knife and Liliana caught it by the hilt when he threw it at her and when he attacked with the sword directly at her head, she threw the knife to the side and the bo-staff was thrown up in time to block the strike. Liliana swung out her right leg and Jason hit the floor hard, as Liliana's staff was against his chest and she poked him with it.

"How the fuck can you fight like that?" Jason asked as Liliana moved the bo-staff away and she offered her hand to him. Jason accepted the hand up and Liliana shrugged at him. "Seriously though, how can you fight like that?" He asked again and she chuckled quietly, and she walked over to where there was a bunch of gymnastic equipment set up in the corner of the Bat-Cave.

"My brother was an acrobat, he got me into gymnastics as a child. My bojutsu training, it started around the time when my brother got serious about fighting as Robin. I was 5 or so, I think. I had always been interested in martial arts, it was just the weapons' training that I had to learn on my own." Liliana murmured and she lifted her shoulders in another rolling shrug. "Then my official training started with Bruce and Barbara, along with a few others that were vigilantes and Titans so, does that answer your question?"

"Well it explains a whole lot, that is for sure." Jason admitted and Liliana put the staff quickly to the side and she leapt up to catch the bar. She scrambled up the climbing wall and as she swung out quickly and jumped to the next, she caught onto one of the support beams for the Bat-Cave and she scrambled down to the bottom and dropped from nearly the top. "Jesus. How did you do that?" Jason asked and Liliana stood up from the landing position with a shake of her head.

"Practice. Also even when I'm not fighting and not in the communications portion of the vigilante world, Barbara takes me out to practice my free-running, falling and parkour skills on the rooftops and in the alleyways of Gotham City." Liliana said as she cracked her knuckles with a quick shake of her head. "Also, I do a lot of "in-the-house" gymnastics practice. Drives Alfred absolutely crazy. Knocking into all of the pictures, "that is a priceless vase there, Miss Grayson, do be careful where you are flipping!" and all that stuff." Jason busted out laughing at Liliana's near-perfect impression of Alfred's accent and he nearly spat his water everywhere as he choked on it. Liliana smacked him hard between the shoulder blades and Jason was able to get his breath back.

"How long have you known Alfred? Because that accent is damn-near spot on." Jason remarked and Liliana shrugged a little, looking a little bit clearly embarrassed at the fact that her skill with accents and impressions was being noted.

"Alfred has known me since I was two months old." Liliana said and Jason raised his eyebrows at her. "Didn't know my birth parents, remember?" She said and the alarm blared out. "Oh Jesus Christ. Hey, Bruce!" She shouted up the staircase as she bolted over to the chair and she spun around to face the computers.

"What is it?" Jason asked as he raced over and Liliana's fingers seemed to fly across the keyboards, as she spun around from screen to screen. "Hey." He said and Liliana's eyes were flashing.

"Get the extra headset from the... never mind." Liliana said and she tapped something on her watch, as the surround sound speakers were suddenly loud and booming with police chatter, as she slipped her headset on. "Who is in response?" Liliana asked.

"Wonder Kid here, I am in pursuit of one of the four armed robberies that are fleeing on foot and with vehicles." Victoria's voice crackled through the communicator. 

"Batgirl, you in?" Liliana asked.

"In pursuit down Eagle Court and 5th street." Barbara Gordon responded.

"Bruce?" Liliana questioned as that was only two of the robberies down and she waited for the response to her question. "Batman, are you in pursuit?" She asked and she could hear sounds of fighting from his com channel. "That is a good enough signal for me now. Dick, where the hell are-" Liliana quieted at once and her shoulders were trembling slightly.

"Who's Dick?" Jason asked and Liliana's hands steadied with a will of steel, as she continued to type. "Hey, what's up with you?" He questioned as Liliana had gone dead silent and she was just shaking her head.

"Dick's my brother. He was the Robin before you were." Liliana murmured and she looked at the Robin symbol that she had carved into the desk next to the keyboard. "Wonder Kid?" She asked and it sounded like she had a cold.

"I am taking care of the other and last group too, don't even worry about it." Was the response and Liliana nodded slightly and she set the headset down and she shut off the alarm that signaled them to get their asses down to the Bat-Cave.

"You miss him, don't you?" Jason asked and Liliana nodded slightly, as she looked at the calendar on the wall. "Why are you looking at the calendar like that?" He asked and she simply picked up her collapsed bo-staff and walked away without answering either of his questions at all.

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