|Chapter LXXXI: Paradise Island|

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Victoria Dawson silently stood vigil over her mentor's body in one of their many temples on Themyscira. Unlike many of the other warriors upon the island, Victoria carried her lasso with her everywhere.

Victoria stood opposite Rachel Roth with a sadness written in her face and in her eyes, and was the very first to notice that Rachel was trying to use her power to bring Donna back.

But instead of calling her out on it as she was meant to, Victoria ignored all signs of it as she shut her eyes to hold vigil for Donna Troy, the woman who had saved her from herself... so many years ago now.

Unfortunately for Rachel's plan to help proceed with the resurrection faster, Myrrah noticed and Rachel had to stop whatever she was doing. Then Lydia also had noticed that something was off, and Victoria silently looked at the body in front of her once again as tears were prickling at her eyes.

After the ritual was completed at least, for the moment it was, Rachel and Myrrah were training on the beach along with Victoria, who had a sword on her hip, despite not needing it to defend herself.

"Watch how Victoria does it all in fluid movements. Head!" Victoria's movement was quick, as she ducked and spun to the side to stand behind Myrrah. "Left! Right! Head!" Myrrah was swinging almost savagely like she meant to actually hurt Victoria, whose eyes were covered by a blindfold like Rachel's eyes would eventually be deemed ready to do so. "Left! Right! Head! Legs!" Victoria leapt off of the ground and executed a backflip in the air, as she landed on her feet and was completely balanced in the wet sand on the beach.

"Your turn, Rachel." Victoria murmured and she untied the blindfold from around her head and she tucked it away, and her lasso was against her side.

"Head." Rachel avoided the blow from the sword swiftly. "And again, head." Rachel ducked quickly. "Just what exactly were you trying to do in there? Left." Rachel moved to her left to avoid the strike.

"I was trying..." Rachel began.

"Right." Myrrah ordered as Rachel avoided the blow by jumping back to where she had been standin' a second before.

"To bring Donna back." Rachel finished her words and Victoria watched the fighting with interest and, she wanted to see how Rachel had been progressing, since she had mostly lost interest in things and her grief had taken a very, very deep toll on her.

"Stubborn and willful. I was just like you at your age. Legs." Rachel stumbled back to avoid the slice of the blade of the sword.

"You call this place a paradise. But I don't get it. I have been here for many months and all I do is train. And you know I can do more!" Rachel pointed out and Victoria backed up, as Myrrah started swinging the sword at Rachel with no warnings.

To Victoria's surprise, the young teenaged girl had managed to neatly avoid every single one, of the strikes that came at her from any direction.

"You are here to learn our ways of life. Certain things here and in life, are not achieved by force. The ritual that we do in the temple, it requires both patience from us and dedication." Myrrah explained to her and Victoria just had a feeling, a sense that all of the words she had spoken... were just falling on deaf ears at this point in time.

"But your ritual's not working." It sounded almost like Rachel was just whining now, as Myrrah tried to take advantage of it and Rachel managed to duck, spin and avoid all of the hard cuts, strikes and slashes.

"Top." Myrrah called out as Rachel's powers came out to block the strike to her skull, and Victoria nodded slightly at the clear sight of her now newly emerging control over them.

"It also requires humility." There was Lydia, or as Donna and Victoria had liked to privately call her "the isle of paradises' buzzkill" which fit her personality perfectly.

Especially since she seemed to have a very specific thing against any person, who was half-human.

"I apologize for my words, Lydia." It was clear that Rachel was making an effort but all the same, it was stressful on all of them.

"Proceed with your training." The marching orders were rather simple at least, as Myrrah allowed Victoria to take over the training, as Victoria was allowing her muscles to relax.

"Head." Victoria said and she lashed out with the lasso, and Rachel leaned back so far to nearly bend in half at a certain point, that Victoria was almost concerned she wouldn't be able to get back up. "Legs." Victoria barked and a second too late, Rachel was knocked down into the sand. "I'm using my lasso now, but if that was a sword... I don't think that you would be walking right now, Rach." Victoria remarked.

"I know, I know. Again." Rachel suggested and Victoria started calling out body parts and sides, and Rachel's training continued.

"You don't really hate this island Rachel, do you?" Victoria asked as they sat on the beach and Victoria had her lasso hooked around her belt once again.

"Why do you get to wear a belt here when nobody else does?" Rachel was asking and Victoria looked at her, and sighed.

"Wonder Woman or Diana Prince wore one, she was given the lasso of truth before she left Themyscira, here and she wore it on a belt. When Diana found Donna and brought her to this island, Donna was given the lasso of persuasion and she wore a belt. I got the lasso of loyalty, gifted to me by both Diana and Donna once I proved myself worthy. I was 7 years old when they found me in the ruins of my foster home along with Batman and Robin, who had found me first. After recognizing that I had managed to lift the ruins off of me and that I was barely injured, Bruce had called in Diana and Donna. They found me at 7 years old, I got the lasso of loyalty at 11. I guess they thought that I was trustworthy enough." Victoria murmured and she sighed. "I am going to rest. I was instructed to leave you here to meditate so do whatever, but just, just don't purposely break any major rules... please." She said softly.

"I'll try not to." Rachel promised as Victoria disappeared at superhuman speed across the sand and into a cave where she chose as her resting place.

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