|Chapter XII: Birthday Bash|

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Liliana was reluctantly getting into the dress that Victoria had lent out by her own choice to Liliana for the so-called "important" occasion of her birthday and she sighed at the sight of herself wearing a blue dress that was hard to move in for her, especially since she is infinitely more used to athletic or working clothes. She heard a knock on her door. "Who is it?" She asked and a chuckle came from the other side of the door.

"A former sidekick and a Titan who has a present for you..." Liliana threw her door open to see Donna Troy standing there and her face fell noticeably, when she saw that Dick wasn't there with her and Donna's face was understanding.

"Hi Donna." Liliana murmured and Donna walked into her room as Liliana sat down on the edge of her bed with a painful expression on her face and she looked down at the bracelet that Dick had gotten her. "Where is he?" Liliana asked softly.

"In Detroit. At least, that was the last that I heard of his whereabouts. Have you not had any contact with him since he left you guys in the middle of the night?" Donna questioned and she moved her arm across Liliana's shoulders, when the teenager was shaking her head at the words and Donna sighed. "You should call him." Donna suggested and Liliana scoffed.

"He would have called me by now, if he wanted to talk to me Donna." Liliana pointed out with a sharp tone in her voice and Donna looked surprised at the tone, as Liliana avoided her gaze and Donna sighed once again. "I'm sorry, I'm not angry at you." Liliana mumbled.

"I know, kiddo. Hey that reminds me, I bought you gifts." Donna said and she brought out a couple of big boxes and Liliana opened them, to see that there was a bunch of new clothes in one of them, including a bulletproof vest and Liliana looked up at Donna, who smiled gently. "I have a few friends in the industry other than your brother." The former Wonder Girl said and Liliana hugged her. "Now go and change out of that stupid dress, you look ridiculous." Donna said with a laugh and Liliana bolted into her closet and shut the door behind her.

Liliana came out in a black tank top, a leather jacket and black yoga pants as Donna was laughing and she clapped at the sight of her. "Oh, that feels so much better. You, Donna Troy, are my new best friend." Liliana declared and the dress was crumpled in the corner, and Liliana was relieved to be able to move freely and she was smiling to the normal eye, but her eyes were still downcast.

"Come on kiddo, your party guests are starting to arrive and I have places to be." Donna gently reminded her about it and Liliana's face fell again, once she heard that Donna was going to be leaving and at the look on her face, Donna felt the girl's pain. "Look, I will get Dick to call you tonight. But I can't stay for the party, I'm really sorry." Donna murmured and Liliana nodded at her words.

"You know where the door is." Was all that Liliana felt it was necessary to say and Donna could sense the emotions that struggled behind Liliana's eyes and Liliana shut the door in Donna's face and Liliana sat back down in her room, sitting on the ledge just underneath her windowsill with her legs hanging off of it.

When it started to rain and pour on her, Liliana stayed outside until she was soaked to the skin and that was when she spotted a shadow next to her. "They just brought out your cake." Jason said and Liliana shook her head.

"You can eat it." Liliana murmured as she tucked her knees to her chest and she stared out into the dark, stormy night and Jason scoffed, as he ducked out of the window and he sat down next to her on the roof. "You should be in there, learning what to do and what not to do in a high-class party, not hanging out with me." She pointed out.

"I'm learning what to do from your behavior and your current examples, when Bruce throws these big bullshit parties for whatever holiday it happens to be. Is this not the right thing to do in a situation like this?" Jason countered and Liliana looked over at him, as he could practically see the wheels in her brain turning at the thought and Liliana chuckled softly, as she turned back to look at the rain.

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