|Chapter XLI: Lost|

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"Let my brother go, right now, you sick bastard!" Liliana shouted and her voice cracked with pain as she dared to shout at Trigon, the demon who had conceived Rachel and the very same one he who had somehow infected her brother with some sort of evil sickness. "Let him go!" Her voice cracked.

"I won't let you do this!" Rachel shouted at her father, after she had been sort of "grounded" at the suggestion of her father and she had lost the use of her magic entirely because of it. Liliana was lunging at him, but Rachel held her back and was clearly afraid of losing her too.

"Let me? You did this. You brought me here, Rachel. Your purpose was to bring me into this world, your world. This entire journey that you have taken with your friends-" The second that Trigon said the word "friends," Liliana looked sickened by it.


She thought in horror and Trigon looked directly at her.

"Yes, your young friend. The replacement for your elder brother, was he not? When Rachel met you, he was unknowingly brought into this and now, he will be here to watch the world burn." Trigon said and Liliana swallowed, as she slowly looked at Rachel who looked horrified at the mention of it, since she knew exactly who her father was talking about. "It was the whole time, this journey that you have taken with your friends, it has all been in preparation for this moment."

"I couldn't be more proud of you, Rachel." Angela walked up to stand next to Trigon and Liliana's fists were clenching at her sides in a fury. "You have given this world a true gift." It was Rachel's mother's turn to show her true colors and Liliana looked at Rachel, finally realizing that she had been completely innocent in all of this.

"You never loved me. You just used me to get to him!" Rachel's voice cracked with emotions that she didn't always have control over and Liliana saw the devastated look on Rachel's face and she remembered it well, because she had worn the same look for weeks and months, after Dick had left.

"Oh, my sweet girl, this is so, so much more important than love." Angela declared and Rachel was shaking her head at her parents, who looked so sickeningly happy about all of this and Liliana looked at Dick, who was emotionless.

"Uh... hard pass. Rach, we gotta go." Gar declared and Liliana bolted off after the two, as she pushed the two older teenagers ahead of her and she yanked out her phone.

"We won't last long if Dick is after us. I may have used to train with him, it doesn't mean that I can actually beat him... Fuck! No service." Liliana snapped and she shook her head, as she looked down and she spotted her watch. "C'mon Jason, be watching the tracker map... please." She whispered as Gar shut the door and her beacon glowed orange.

|Outside the electricity barrier|

"Would you just stop blasting it?! You're wasting all of your power!" Donna shouted at Kory like she had been doing for the last while, as Victoria had been lapping around the house and trying to find a weakness. "Anything?"

"Nothing. No weaknesses that I could see or feel. I even tried prying a hole into the barrier, it didn't end so well." Victoria said and she exhaled heavily, as she sighed and watched as Kory was wasting her power. "Really?" She asked.

"Rachel is in there." Kory said, panting as she did. "Anything could be happening to her."

"Says the woman who was sent here to kill her." Donna shot back. "Look, now that Dick and Rachel, along with Liliana are in there with some intergalactic demon, maybe you could try something that could actually work?!"

"Hey, don't stop on my account!" They all looked over and against all odds, Victoria's face split open into a smile at the familiar face. "I liked where that was heading!" Jason called out and he was chuckling.

"Jason!" Victoria called out with relief, as she walked over and he laughed.

"That's right! The goddamn cavalry has arrived!" Jason called out and once he approached, his face was less happy about being included and more freaked out by the fact that one of them was not there. "Hey, wait, where is Liliana?" Jason asked and Victoria pointed at the barrier behind her and she had to restrain him, from lunging at it like an idiot.

"We have already tried that, Jason. Multiple times." Victoria murmured and Jason glared at her but he nodded slightly and she let him go. "I'm gonna do another perimeter sweep. I need to keep moving, or I might very well just go insane." She said and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

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