|Chapter LVIII: Exchange|

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After a heated debate in the training room and only about an hour after Rachel had lost complete control of her inner darkness yet again and nearly killed Rose, they were all in the kitchen and Liliana was pacing back and forth, trying to calm her heartbeat down. "Hank was right. You were all right. Jason needs us, we can't just keep standing around here and doing nothing. If Deathstroke wants to make a trade, then we will make a trade." Dick explained.

"We can't hand over Rose." Hank's voice cracked hoarsely with emotions. "No matter what I said earlier, she doesn't deserve to be handed over to her father." Hank was making amends for him getting carried away earlier and Liliana looked at them.

"No, we can't. We won't. But I have an idea." Dick held up the phone and Liliana's eyes glinted in the kitchen light. "I have the idea, but I need Liliana and Victoria to help to make it work for me. For all of us, if that's okay." He said and Liliana looked over at Victoria, who inclined her head in a solemn nod and Liliana turned back to Dick, as she was spinning her escrima in her hands.

"Jason's in deep trouble and we aren't just here to stand around, spectate and watch while you all do the heavy lifting. So big brother, what the fuck do you need from us?" Liliana asked and he nodded slightly at her.

"Gar, you and Rachel stay here with Rose. Protect the Tower and yourselves, along with Rose from any possible outsiders or intruders trying to get into this place. You both can do it, I know that you both can." Dick was saying and Gar was already in his green tiger form in Rose's room, in front of the girl that was all hooked up to machines and tubes, while Rachel watched them from the kitchen counter. "I will be in contact with Deathstroke, in order to confirm our meet up at the Plaza. Donna, Hank, Dawn, Kory and I will form a perimeter to take down Deathstroke together as a team." Dick stated and Liliana looked at Victoria, before the two stepped forward in unison.

"Then what about us?" Liliana questioned and Dick smirked at her, as she lifted her eyebrows at him. "If we were such a crucial part of your plan, then are you going to tell us what to do or do we have to improvise again?" She questioned and Dick laughed at that.

"You two know Jason Todd better than any one of us here. Liliana especially, none of us can argue that. You trained the guy, you know his strengths and weaknesses. We know how to fight Deathstroke. In case things go completely sideways and to shit, you two are our ace in the hole to get Jason out. You sneak in behind and get Jason out of there, while we all have the strength, speed, determination and all of our very annoyingly heroic attitudes to distract him. Make sense to you?" Dick asked and Liliana looked at him. "Any other questions? From anyone else here?" He asked and she returned the look with a sort of half-hearted smile.

"Am I Eagle or Liliana?" She asked and Dick looked at her, before his gaze dropped to her arm and Liliana rolled up her sleeve and the tattoo of the eagle was visible and she looked back up at them all. "Let's get Robin back." Liliana said and her eyes glowed with the fiery determination that she was known for.

Liliana walked to her room and she opened the briefcase with her thumb prints from both thumbs, her retina scans, a code word and her override code for the Tower and it popped open and she changed quickly. Liliana opened her box of shuriken and she put them all into various pockets of her suit and she heard a cough from the doorway, as she looked over her shoulder to see Victoria in the doorway, Wonder Kid suit, lasso and all.

"You ready for this now?" Victoria asked and Liliana nodded slightly. "You might need these then." She murmured and Liliana caught the grappling hook devices and she looked at them and Victoria grinned.

Liliana slipped the devices on and they locked snugly around her wrists and they blended in perfectly, it was like they were always meant to be a part of the suit and unlike Dick had been as Robin and unlike Jason, she didn't need a mask and she followed Victoria out of the room and they made their way down the hallway and Liliana stopped.

She looked over at the open doorway and Victoria looked at her with sympathy in her gaze as Liliana pushed open the door and she saw that Jason's suitcase was still open and she shut her eyes briefly. "We're going to get him back, Lil." Victoria said and Liliana opened her eyes again.

"I know." Liliana murmured quietly and when she left the room, she shut the door behind her and she followed the rest of them out and into the elevator.

| Embarcadero Plaza,

Time: 3:00am |

Liliana heard gunfire from Kory's communicator and she bolted along with Victoria over to the edge of the Plaza and they could see Jason, hooked up to a demolition charge. "Victoria, get me down there, now!" Liliana said and Victoria swung her lasso out and Liliana hung onto it, as they started the process of climbing down. Liliana dropped the last few feet and landed lightly on her feet and was not too far away. "Jason." She said and his head whipped over to look toward her.

"Liliana?! What the fuck are you doing here?!" He asked and she was shaking her head, as she looked up at Victoria. "Dawson? What the hell..." Liliana didn't even bother responding, as she was carefully moving over to where he was attached to the charge.

"Dawson, get ready." Liliana stated and she managed to wind the lasso around Jason, who looked suddenly a lot more freaked out than he should be. "I'm going to try and disarm the bomb, but if this all goes to hell..."

"I got it." Victoria called down and Liliana nodded and Jason looked at Liliana, as his eyes widened when he realized what they were saying and Liliana was crouched nearby and he was shaking his head.

"You won't survive the blast that close in range. Get out of here." Jason said and Liliana's eyes sparkled, as she was shaking her head and she started to work on carefully disarming the charge and out of nowhere, another lasso moved Liliana away from the bomb and set her on the other side of Jason. Donna was standing next to Victoria, ready to pull them both up.

"Disarm the bomb from Jason's side! You have some cover then, if it goes off!" Donna called out and Liliana saluted the former Wonder Girl, as she got back to work on disarming it and at the sight Jason looked slightly less freaked, barely at all, but slightly.

Then suddenly, the charge went off and Jason was caught by Victoria with the rope, but Liliana was barely hanging onto the edge and the girl was hanging on, trying to brace herself against the building. "Get them out!" She called up and Victoria was cursing, but she managed to lift Jason back up and Dick was trying to hang onto Liliana. Liliana slipped and she fired her grappling hook device, which ended up embedding itself in the building next to where she had dropped and she was hanging in midair. "Thank god for these!" She called up and Jason was laughing, as she felt the other lasso snake around her waist.

She detached the cable and Donna pulled her back up onto the building and immediately when her feet hit the solid ground, Jason and Victoria were both hugging her tightly. "Ow." Liliana was muttering and she was hugging them both. "Jason, if you ever dare to even think about pulling a stunt or something like that again-" She didn't have to finish her sentence and he hugged her again tightly. "Let's go home." Liliana murmured as she felt him shaking, as the adrenaline was wearing off or at least, that was her best guess anyways.

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