|Chapter LXI: Leaving|

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"I lied. I lied to all of you, Titans both old and new." Dick said and Liliana was among the Titans and she was sitting at the table with Jason, separated from the others and she was just shaking her head wondering, how she could have been so wrong about her brother before. "I lied because I was afraid that you would leave this place, and leave me with it so I lied to you all. I told you that Jericho was dead when I got to the church, killed by Slade." Dick said and Liliana raised her eyebrows at him, thinking that she was ready for whatever he could throw at her. "He was alive. I was being beaten by Deathstroke and he stepped in front of the sword, he died to save my life. I'm sorry." Dick said and Liliana looked at him, before she was focused on the shuriken in her hand and she was spinning it across her fingers.

"So, let me get this straight." Liliana was the first one to open her mouth, which clearly surprised a lot of them as they were suddenly all looking at her and she continued spinning the shuriken on her finger, despite it being razor-sharp. "You used a kid, not too much older than the lot of us and you tried to use him to get to his father, Slade Wilson. You used a fucking kid?" All of them could sense the anger from her and they didn't have to be near her to realize it.

Liliana turned around in her seat and she looked at Hank, Dawn and Donna who were silently waiting in the background for the judgement from her and she was shaking her head. "Guess I'm not such a great judge of character after all. I'm out, done with this shit." She said and stood up, as her chair went crashing down.

"Where do you think that you can possibly be going?" Dick asked and Liliana looked over at him, raising her eyebrows and she shook her head at the wounded look on his face and her eyes were darkening.

"Anywhere but here, Dick. I'm headed back to Gotham, never thought I would ever say that I missed it in the city of crime." Liliana said and Dick looked distinctly downcast, as Liliana flung her shuriken and it landed in the pillar next to Dick, who looked at it. Liliana knew that he was trying to guilt her into staying, but she was determined for it to not work this time and she was walking down the hallway.

Liliana slammed the door to her room behind her so hard that the room shook and in a loud audible fury, she punched the wall so hard that there was a dent in it and she inhaled sharply as she brought her hand out of the wall. Liliana looked around her room and started packing up, starting with her computer stuff and she heard a knock on her door. "Go away!" She shouted and the door opened to reveal Jason standing there. "Sorry." Liliana mumbled at once and he smiled a little. "You staying here then?" She asked and he scoffed.

"Without you? Fuck no. After what just happened today with the others and all that shit? You have got to be joking about that question you just asked." Jason stated and she nodded slightly in agreement.

"Go and get your stuff Jason," she had a smile on her face as she spoke up. "Because, we are finally going home to Gotham." Liliana murmured and Jason's face had a half-smile on it and he ducked out of the room to go and get his stuff.

Liliana winced at the pain that she felt in her back ribs from where Rachel had thrown her with her augmented strength earlier and she shifted her laptop bag around, before she picked up her duffel bag and Jason coughed from the doorway. "Hand over the duffel bag. You're in pain, I can see it." He murmured and she sighed, handing the bag over and he grinned. "Let's get the fuck out of here." Jason remarked and she nodded, as she shifted her laptop bag and they were walking out as Liliana grabbed her suitcase.

"Can I talk to you alone?" Liliana could hear Dick behind her, even through her headphones and she looked at Jason, who was standing right next to her. "Alone please?" Dick's tone made it very clear that he wasn't going to take "No" for an answer today and Liliana sighed.

"Don't let the Uber take off without me, Jason." She murmured and Jason hesitated briefly before he took her briefcase and got into the elevator. Liliana hung her headphones around her neck and she looked at Dick, crossing her arms over her chest and wincing internally at the pain in her ribs. "My car is waiting, what the fuck do you want?" She asked sharply and Dick sighed at the sight of her angry at him.

"I was afraid, that was why I hid the truth from everyone. I knew how you would react especially, so--" Dick tried to explain and Liliana would have listened, on any other day than this and she was seething with anger.

"So you lied about it? I don't have to listen to this crap..." Liliana turned to get the elevator.

"You have my name, I fought fucking hard for you to keep it, I practically raised you and I sure as hell didn't let the social workers separate us. Now you're just going to leave me on my own?" Dick was ready and willing to use whatever tactics he had at his exposure and Liliana felt the tears start prickling at her eyes. "What the fuck are you without our family?" He asked and she was dropping her head, as her shoulders were trembling.

Liliana heard more words coming from Dick, but her ears were filled with the sound of thunder and fire, she couldn't hear anything and it was like she couldn't breathe anymore. "You are just fucking cursed and born of the dead! You are nothing but bad luck!" Dick snapped and that did it, as Liliana snapped out her staff and it cracked across his rib cage hard and she heard bones snapping, as Dick shouted in pain and he hit the ground hard.

Liliana collapsed her staff again and she looked down at Dick, who had dared to try and use gaslighting on her and she was shaking her head, ashamed at what her brother had become over the years. "Go to hell, Dick." She said and he looked up at her, as Liliana got into the elevator and went down, as she slipped her headphones on over her ears.

Jason raised his eyebrows at her and Liliana walked over to him, ducking quickly into the car to sit down as she raised her eyebrows at the sight of Rose sitting on the other seat, and she looked at Jason who got into the car and shut the door behind him. "Long story." He said quietly and she leaned her head on his shoulder, as the car drove off toward the airport.

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