|Chapter LXXIX: Back Home|

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Liliana saw her new cellphone and it was vibratin' as the call came through and she recognized the number, as she picked it up. "How did you get this number?" She asked quietly.

"Crane got it from Oracle, before Barbara Gordon destroyed it for good because of the way he hacked into it... with nothing but a photo." Jason's voice came through and Liliana was looking down and she saw that her hand was shaking, trembling at the fear that she felt even talking to him after what Crane had done.

"Is he with you now? Is he watching over your shoulder, as you talk to me Jason?" Liliana asked with a vocal tone of half-pain and then half-anger, in her voice.

"I kicked his ass and I left. I am done killing for him, Liliana, please you've got to believe me on this." Jason said and Liliana's eyes were welling up with tears, as she inhaled a shaky sort of breath.

"Crane threatened you and everyone that I cared about with torture, slowly dying and for even just talking to you right now, Jase." Liliana said and she stood up, and walked over to look around at the hallways, before she was shutting the door to the room. "I don't want to lose any more people when it is me to deserves it." She said and Jason scoffed.

"Meet me in the tunnels." He murmured and Liliana's eyes were tearing up until they filled and spilled over. "Just come alone, you aren't alone anymore, you know that."

"You just throwing my own words back at me, Jason? How original for you." Liliana said with a shaky tone and Jason sighed.

"My apartment, then. No weapons, I promise. The suit stays in the car and so do my guns." Jason said and Liliana silently looks out the window. "Please, Lili. I need help to walk away and you are the only person who is almost guaranteed to not kill me." He said as his voice was breaking, as Liliana felt a sharp stab of grief.

"No inhalers. If there are any in the apartment right now, I want them all gone. If you are high when I get there, I'm leaving immediately." Liliana said and Jason sighed.

"I promise I won't be on the drug and that there won't be any inhalers at the apartment. Promise." Jason said and Liliana nodded, and she sighed. "See you in a bit?" He asked.

"Give me half an hour." Liliana murmured and she quickly hung up the phone and she looked over to the closet at where her briefcase was and it had the eagle symbol on it, as she rolled up the sleeve of her shirt and the tattoo was visible on her arm. "A gun." She said quietly and she walked over to where the briefcase was and behind it, was a safe.

Liliana put her thumbprint on the scanner and completed it, as the safe opened and there was a standard issue police handgun in the safe, that she knew that Dick would never even think that she would have.

Liliana tucked it quickly into the waistband of her pants as she covered it with her shirt quickly. She looked at Jason's jackets that were hanging in the closet as she was quickly shaking her head. "Damn it." She mumbled as she picked out one of them out of the various jackets and she zipped it up over her shirt.

Liliana walked toward the garage toward the motorcycle, as she was flipping her escrima sticks rather absentmindedly in both hands and she walked over to her motorcycle.

"Going somewhere?" Liliana slammed her eyes shut as a bunch of bright lights suddenly were flooding a bunch of brightness into the garage as she glared at Dick, who was outlined by the glaring lights.

"Yeah, actually." Liliana said coldly and she kickstarted the motorcycle as she clicked the garage door opener. "I don't think that you can stop me." She said and Dick scoffed at her.

"I don't intend to." He said and she looked suspiciously at him, before she sped off into the night.

Liliana didn't notice as she successfully weaved in and out of traffic, that there was a beeping red light on the back of her motorcycle.

Liliana stopped quickly in the underground parking garage of the apartment building and she pulled off her helmet and she locked up her bike and left it there.

Liliana was climbing the stairs and when she got up to his door, she was hearing someone behind her and in a quick move, she spun around and had the gun pointed at Jason's head right between his eyes and his hands went up automatically. "I thought that we said no weapons." Jason said and she lowered the gun, and she flicked the safety on and put it away.

"You never know with Gotham these days." Liliana replied and Jason's nod was clear, as he opened the door and Liliana followed him into the apartment. "You cleaned up." She noted and Jason shrugged, as he was in the kitchen after he had locked the door.

"I had time on my hands. I'm done with Crane, you believe me on this, don't you?" Jason said as he cracked open a beer and slid it across the counter to her, as Liliana caught it in her hand.

"I believe you, Jason. But I'm not really sure that the others will. They won't be able to make the distinction like I have, except for maybe Gar. But even then, it is extremely unlikely. If you really want to help this situation, then help us take down Crane." She said and Jason sat down next to her on the couch, as Liliana was sipping at the beer in her hand. "Or just leave Gotham behind and start a new life as someone new. Leave "Jason Todd" and "Red Hood" behind you, just become a different person entirely." Liliana said and Jason looked at her.

"And if I stayed here in Gotham City with you, but I still don't agree to help you take down Crane?" Jason asked as Liliana was shaking her head, and she tipped the beer back, as she winced a little.

"I can't lose you again, Jason. If you don't help us take down Crane, then you have to leave." Liliana murmured and she reached out a hand toward him and she rested it on his hand.

"I can have documents made in 6 hours or less, you could be out of here in less than 10." She said and he looked down at their  hands, as she was shaking her head. "I saw your dead body once, Jason, and if you don't offer to help or if you don't leave..."

"You might have to see it again. This time, by your brother's hands." Jason finished and Lilianna nodded a bit, as he opened his arms and she moved closer until her ear was resting on his chest cavity above his heart. "Still trying to save me?" He asked and she moved her arms around him, more securely and she took a shuddering breath in and out.

"Forever and always, Jason." She whispered and he kissed her forehead as she hugged him tightly. "I promised you and I meant it." She said, right up until the doors burst open and smoke filled the room.

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