|Chapter LXXXIX: Titans & Allies|

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Liliana set the charge and she backed up quickly to stand farther down, the hallway and the charge blew the door clean open and the alarm was blaring out steadily.

"Well, so much for stealth." She remarked and Jason looked at her with raised eyebrows, as he put his gun away and she collapsed her bo-staff, as she walked into the armory along with them.

"Watch the door." Dick advised and Liliana sighed quietly, as she was left to watch the door as they went to find the weapons.

"You still have that gun on you that I spotted?" Jason asked and Liliana was shaking her head as Jason was walkin' over to her and she looked over at his offered gun. "It is easier to shoot at someone, then throw away your only weapons." He replied and she took the gun from him, as she checked it as she nodded.

"Thanks, J." Liliana murmured and she turned quickly back around to be facing the door, as she heard quiet footsteps and she raised the gun, as she watched the doorway.

"I don't get it. There is supposed to be, like, over 200 ampules. And, what the fuck is that?" Jason asked and Liliana's eyes were narrowed a bit, as she thought about it.

"You said it was all missing already from the container, right?" They both looked back at her with worry in their eyes. "Crane. He knew that he would figure it out, he knew that Jason and I would tell you about it D. He probably knew about it, and sent them straight over, to pick all of that shit up." She said and they all were thinking the same thing, but only Jason thought to say it out loud as his mind tended to do.

"Fuck." Jason said quietly.

|Across the City|

Suddenly a familiar golden lasso wrapped around the ankle of a police officer and he was sent flying back.

It didn't take a genius to know who it was, as out of nowhere Victoria was a blur into the fight, as her lasso was now wielded like a whip and she had found that she was able to harness a sort of electricity, by total fluke after she had taken out an entire city block to help distract the GCPD to get Dick, Jason and Liliana into the armory.

After Victoria came Rachel and from the side came Gar, who snarled at the nearest GCPD officers and Donna was quick to drop the car door.

"Why don't you get out of that fur suit and come say hi?" Donna asked as the electricity disappeared out of Victoria's lasso, as she wound it back up and hung it on her belt. "When did you get the ability to survive electricity?" She asked and Victoria sighed softly.

"How about, when I found out that my father was Zeus and my mother was an Amazon." Victoria said and the two briefly looked at one another, before Victoria hugged her quickly as she took a shuddering breath. "Please don't die again." Victoria whispered.

"I won't kiddo, not during this fight. That I promise. Hey there, kiddo." Donna said as Gar came running up with a hoodie and thankfully, also a pair of pants on again.

"Well if it ain't Wonder Girl, the sequel." Gar said and got a big hug from Donna, and the three looked at one another.

"We have to go. Dick sent us to find you. There is something going down with Crane." Rachel explained and Donna looked at Victoria, who was shrugging a little.

"And, wait, let me guess this. Dick and Liliana are right in the middle of it all, again?" Donna asked and Victoria nodded. "Well then, I guess we are going to save their asses."

"Or they'll just save themselves as they often do." Victoria countered and Donna sighed.

"Did I ever tell you, that I really hate whenever you might, or are most definitely right?" Donna asked and Victoria grinned a little.

"Yeah. You and pretty much everybody else." Victoria answered and Donna was laughing at that and they stole another vehicle and together, along with the new kid Tim Drake, they drove off to find a way to help the rest of their friends to find a way out of the shithole that Crane had put them into... even, if it meant dying to save a city that half of them weren't ever intending to care about.

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