|Chapter VII: Protective Mode|

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"You could have been seriously hurt! What the fucking hell were you thinking, pulling stupid fucking shit like that?!" Dick shouted at her and Liliana was shaking her head at him in silence.

"I was protecting the innocent, like you guys always do." She mumbled under her breath and Dick's eyes indicated to her, that he was not happy about that so-called "excuse" at all. Liliana was shaking her head. "You agree with me, right Barbara?" Liliana asked and she looked over at Barbara Gordon, who was also in the Bat-Cave and she was silently looking between Dick and Liliana, before she shook her head.

"I'm sorry kid, but Dick is right. You could have been seriously hurt by your actions tonight. You were lucky that you weren't the target. You were also lucky, that we were free to follow your new emergency beacon." Barbara stated and Liliana looked at the young woman with utter disbelief in her eyes.

"Unbelievable." Liliana murmured and they looked at her, as Liliana stormed out of the Bat-Cave in a angry fury. Liliana kicked the door open on her way out and she stormed into her room. She slammed the door behind her and the wall shook from the sheer force of it.

She flung her bag into the corner of the room and she dropped onto her bed with a low growl of fury. "Shit, shit." She murmured and she heard a soft knock on her door. "Go away!" She shouted angrily at the doorway and to her annoyance, the door opened anyways. Liliana grabbed one of her escrima and she flung it at the person who was coming into the door.

Liliana wasn't surprised that the person who was at the door caught it, but she was surprised by the familiar face that walked through the door. "A nice warm welcome from the little Grayson. So shocking, considering who you live with." Donna Troy remarked and Liliana yelped in surprise as she stood up quickly. Liliana jumped up and ran over to Donna, quickly jumping up into a hug and Donna was laughing at her excitement. "Aww. It's great to see you too kiddo, you grew up fast." Donna murmured and Liliana was hugging her tightly.

"Can I see the lasso?!" Liliana asked like she did every time and Donna laughed, as she handed the escrima stick back to Liliana and she had the lasso in her bag as usual. "Please?" She asked and Donna chuckled, handing the lasso over to Liliana. It lit up in the girl's hands and she spun it quickly, catching the lamp on her bedside table and Liliana pulled the lasso back.

Donna managed to catch the bedside table lamp and she was chuckling, as Liana handed her back the lasso and she hugged her again. "Happy birthday kiddo. Sorry I missed it, but we had business to take care of back in San Francisco. Did I miss much?" She questioned and Liliana showed her the beacon on her watch. "Whoa. Did Wayne Enterprises make that?"

"I made it myself. It's linked directly to the Bat-Cave and Bat-Computer system. It also acts as a self-defense mechanism for the Bat-Cave. If I was to smash my watch, the entire Bat-Cave would lock down. Which would be both awesome and also, very annoying at the same time for whoever happened to be stuck in it." Liliana explained as Donna handed her the lamp and Liliana put it back onto the bedside table. "This is what Dick got me." She said and rolled onto the other side of the bed to grab the staff, as Donna whistled in appreciation as the staff shot out to its full length in the girl's hands.

"I got you something too. Catch." Donna stated and she tossed a small box at Liliana, who fumbled for the box and managed to catch it. Liliana opened the box and there was a necklace with the Themysciran symbol of justice on it, the symbol of the god Themis and she was shaking her head at it. "It's the symbol of-"

"Justice. The Greek symbol for justice and the god Themis." Liliana murmured and she hung it around her neck. "I paid attention to the "mythology" unit of my history classes. Especially since I know that not everything in mythology is untrue." Liliana pointed out and Donna chuckled at the implications, as she knew better then anyone that most of what Greek mythology that was about the Amazons, was actually true.

"Nice. Hey if you wanna come outside with me, I have someone for you to meet." Donna stood up as she spoke and Liliana raised her eyebrows at Donna, as she quickly followed the sidekick of Wonder Woman, unsure of where she was taking her but definitely intrigued by the prospect, nonetheless. "Hey, where did you go?!" Donna called out once they had left the mansion.

Liliana had her staff collapsed and sticking out of her back pocket, as she scanned the area around them to try and find what Donna was referring to, until she heard a whoosh of air. She grabbed her staff, snapped it out and she managed to stop the staff from hitting the girl, right as she came out of nowhere. "Who the fucking hell are you?" Liliana asked sharply and the girl who looked a year or two older then her, shook her head.

"Donna and Dick told me that you were tough. But they didn't say how fast you were, damn kid. I thought that I was a quick thinker, but your reflexes could probably match mine." The girl said and Liliana's eyes flicked from the older teen to Donna, who chuckled a little bit.

"This is Victoria Dawson. Vicky for short. She is half Themysciran, like me." Donna introduced and Liliana lowered the staff a bit, swinging it back down to rest along her shoulders. "Have you been training with Dick? When did you get so good with a bo?" Donna asked.

"I train by myself. Dick doesn't want me training or helping people, so I train by myself and occasionally with Barbara. But not often with Barbara, she is usually busy." Liliana stated and Donna nodded. "Why are you really here?" She asked.

"Because I wanted to remind you, that just because you're a kid and your family doesn't think that you should be out there, you still can. You guys could be a crime-fighting duo or something, while Dick is running around San Francisco with me." Donna suggested and Liliana looked over at Victoria, who lifted her shoulders.

"Who did you say you were again?" Liliana asked as Donna saw a slow smirk moving across Liliana's face, as the two walked away and went back toward the manor house and she shook her head at them once again.

"Dick is so going to kill me." She muttered under her breath, as the two girls walked inside and they were chatting about whatever young girls who were warriors, talked about these days.

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