|Chapter LXXI: The Reveal|

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"Hobbs Powder Group?" Liliana questioned as she had woken up to Gar snapping out orders like a new commander and she was thinking what Dick was thinking, apparently as he motioned to the computer.

"Hobbs Powder Group. They used to make explosives. But then the two of us, Batman and I, shut them down for street dealing." Dick hurriedly was explaining to the others, while Liliana pulled up the building that was still associated with Hobbs Powder Group and she checked the records.

"There was a 911 call, only two minutes ago, that came from the Hobbs Powder group building." It was Conner Kent who finally made the connection and also, he who had been playing catch-up to the rest of the team.

"Play it." Dick ordered as Liliana turned up the volume and pressed play on the recording, as she leaned back to listen.

"911 operator. What is your emergency?" The recording played out and Liliana's eyes darkened, and she raced for her suit and weapons.


"I'm going, Dick, and you can't stop me." Liliana replied, as she buckled her utility belt around her waist and she ducked behind a nearby pillar, as she came out with her suit on and a bundle of her clothes that she stuck in the closet that her suit was hidden in.

"Fine. I know better than to honestly believe, that I can win against you in an argument. You have too much of Mom in you, for me to win." Dick replied and Liliana flashed a small smile in his direction, before she put her mask on over her eyes as she ran for the motorcycles in the corner.

|Hobbs Powder Group Building|

"You are not going to let me out of your line of sight, are you?" Liliana asked and Dick followed, as he was quite literally, directly behind her as he followed her into the main part of the building.

"Not tonight... not until we know whose idea this "Red Hood" thing was and more importantly, who, is pulling the strings." Dick replied and Liliana's hands were by her sides, as they were currently rested about a centimeter from her escrima that were on the outside of either leg in their holsters and Dick had his own on the back of his suit. "Get back." He said at once as a smoke bomb went off and Liliana backed up, as she quickly reached for her weapons.

"What took you so long?" A voice asked and Liliana recognized a voice modulator and she stood next to Dick in silence, resolving to let him do the talking until he couldn't anymore.

The person who stood in front of them had a red mask, more of a helm rather than a hood, but they could see where he got the inspiration from. It was red jacket, black gear and red paint.

"We both got here, as soon as we could." Dick replied as Liliana was scanning the helmeted person, trying to see any other weapons, other than the gun that he held in his hands and the ones on the holsters on his legs, that he wore like she did with escrima and her eyes darkened even more, at the mockery whether intentional or not.

"Thought that, I was going to have to hire a skywriter. That was some nice work on the chess clue though." Red Hood was playing along... for now, but Liliana was under no delusions that this would last.

"Wasn't me or her. I had our team working on it. Looks like you had a team too." Dick didn't take credit and that was good.

"They were expendable, just like the Titans." When Dick moved to the right, Liliana clambered up the wall as she felt him shift the gun, so that it was pointing toward her and Liliana leapt up, disappearing over the vault and the silence was deafening. "You should have stayed home, Little Eagle." Liliana dropped down behind him as the Red Hood didn't even have time to shoot, before she was swingin' at him with her escrima.

Liliana's escrima were surprisingly knocked away, but, she had several other surprises and she kicked him in the chest hard, sending him stumbling back.

He pulled a sidearm out and she disappeared behind a couple barrels of whatever, while Dick took over the fight and he managed to knock a piece of the guy's mask off, breaking it and Liliana stepped out of the shadow once again, as she had a gun pointed at his head.

"You won't shoot me." Red Hood challenged, as he faced away and he was taking his time, picking up the piece of the mask.

"Why wouldn't I?" Liliana asked as she heard the bullet click sharply into the chamber, a sound that she often heard from the cops' guns.

"Bruce always told me, that you both were better than me with the toys. Both of you, Lili." Liliana's eyes widened, and she could hear another voice, an echo beside the one that was being generated by the voice modulator that was built into his mask.

"Jason?" Liliana's voice was shaking and she fell silent again, a terrifying silence as Dick looked at her, before his eyes moved back to Jason.

"In living color. I got a new name now though. You'll be hearing it a lot around here. Red Hood." Liliana knew that wasn't a good thing, as she jumped over a bunch of barrels, right before he pulled a gun and started to fire.

Dick joined her on the other side of the barrels and Liliana looked at him with pain in her eyes, as the gunshots stopped and they both came back to see that the building was empty.

Liliana put away her gun and she noticed that Dick gave her a bit of a disapproving look at the sight of it, but didn't comment on it as she took up her escrima as they swiftly left the building behind, as Liliana was still silently stunned by the revelation that he was alive.

But there was a burning question on her mind, one that was killing her to have to question it.

"How long has Jason been alive again?"

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