|Chapters XCIV: Leaving Home|

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Liliana's phone rang in her pocket and she checked the Caller ID and she smiled a little. "Hey B." She said with a small smile on her face.

"Your emancipation requests, I sped it up and I got an old friend of my dad's to approve it. You are an official adult now, kiddo, how does it feel?" Barbara asked and Liliana looked around at her surroundings, as she was back in Wayne Manor and she was sitting in her old room once again.

"Feels weird." Liliana spoke bluntly and she could hear Barbara and Vee laughing in the background. "What would you do if you were an adult before the legal age?" She asked and Barbara coughed.

"I would probably move in with someone that I knew so well it was ridiculous." Liliana sputtered and coughed, as her coffee went all over and she could hear Barbara laughing on the other end. "That must have been quite a reaction." Liliana was coughing still and eventually, she got her voice back.

"That was an interesting way of saying it, to say the least." Liliana said and she still had the sense that on her end of the line, Barbara was smiling a lot. "But seriously, what would you do?" Liliana asked.

"I would try to get away from the life that you very clearly were the victim of a accidental discovery. I would not want to be at your age, going through all that you had to deal with. Your adopted father is Batman, your older brother and only biological family that you have was the First Robin and now is Nightwing. Your boyfriend was Robin and is now Red Hood. You grew up around the Titans, I mean, you need to see the world for how it is. As a regular civilian. That is what I would do, if I was you." That was Barbara's honest opinion and Liliana sighed a bit.

"But... how do I do it?" Liliana asked and Barbara chuckled a little bit and Liliana looked out the window, as she spotted a car pulling in.

"That is a question, that, you should probably be asking Victoria June or Thomas, not me. Sorry kiddo, but I have a Gotham City Police department to rebuild and it doesn't unfortunately, it doesn't happen over the phone." She said and Liliana sighed.

"Thanks B, for believing in me for all these years." Liliana remarked as she heard Barbara sigh.

"Kiddo, you are one of the strongest and most selfless people that I have ever met. Don't you ever, every lose that, when you grow into an adult for real. You hear me?" Liliana scoffed a bit. "I really have to go, but remember that all right?"

"You got it... Oracle." Liliana said and she hung up the phone in response as she saw that Jason was standing in the doorway. "Dick call you or something, to be here when Bruce got back?" She asked and he nodded.

"Something like that. You got your emancipation?" Jason clarified and she nodded. "You ready to face Bruce?" He asked and she smiled a little sadly at the question.

"Are you?" Liliana asked and he looked down at the floor, as she held out an object to him as he raised his eyebrows at it. "I had a bit of help making it." She said and he took it from her. "You are not your version of Robin anymore, so, I decided that you needed new throwing weapons." She said.

"Thanks." Jason said as she chuckled a bit at the look on his face as she held a box out to him. "What's this?" He asked as he took it from her.

"You didn't really think that I would only give you one shuriken to throw, did you? Come on." Liliana said and Jason tucked the box into a bag nearby, as he followed her and they almost ran into Bruce and Dick, the latter of whom left the room as soon as he spotted them.

"I didn't change much." Liliana murmured and she walked after him as Jason started looking around the room for things that he was going to take.

"I noticed." Jason turned around and they both fell silent, when they saw a familiar shape in Bruce that stood in the doorway. "Coming here wasn't my idea." Jason said bluntly and Liliana's hand held his, and silently, they both looked over at Bruce.

"Can you forgive me? Either of you?" Bruce asked and they both were nodding at his words, as Liliana retrieved her battered and beat-up headphones from the bedside table and hung them around her neck.

"But you can't forgive me." Jason replied and Liliana felt the tension in the room, the sad tension of pain and grief, self loathing and fear of what consequences would come from their actions.

"Was a time when they would've been true, Jason, but... we have all crossed lines. Starting with me. Liliana has every right to not forgive you, but she has and if she can-"

"With due respect, Bruce, our situations are completely different from the other." She said and the quiet authority, it was a new look for her in response to Bruce and his face reflected that.

"I did things that I can't come back from, no matter who has my back on this." Jason was quietly jumping back into the conversation and Liliana's eyes burned with sympathy.

"Do you wanna come back? Either of you?" Bruce asked as Liliana was shaking her head at once, for herself at least.

"Here? No. That life is over." Jason said it with a sense of finality and she nodded slightly. "I think that Liliana agrees."

"What life is next then?" Bruce asked and Liliana shrugged a little bit at the words.

"I don't know." Jason said and Liliana's hands moved into her own pockets, and she looked down at the floor silently.

"The fear that you felt, Jason, and the fear that you were exposed to at such a young age, Liliana, I refused to see it, because it is something that the three of us all share. It held sway over us, it tortured the both of you. But fear is a bad mentor. I wish I'd the strength to help you two face yours, so that you didn't feel like you had to hide it." Bruce murmured and Liliana was shaking a bit.

"When you killed the Joker, did you do that for me?" Jason's question was a innocent one, or at least by his tone of voice, it was trying to be.

"Yes. I did." Bruce replied.

"Thank you." Jason responded and just before Liliana walked from the room, she heard her name. Liliana turned around to look back at Bruce, who had turned to face her.

"Your parents would have been very proud of you, to know who you are. Take care of him." Bruce said as Liliana nodded slightly. "And more importantly, take care of yourself... Little Grayson." He said and she had a grim expression on her face and she walked after Jason.

"So, where are we headed?" Jason asked as Thomas and June were both waiting in the truck already for them, as Thomas honked the horn. "We're on our way, asshole." Jason said and he got into the backseat, and Liliana followed him.

"So, where to kids?" Thomas asked and Liliana rolled her eyes at him and his tone.

"Can we stop by Bruce's airfield? I have a couple of people to say bye to and besides, I think Dawson would be a wee bit pissed if we left her behind."

Thomas nodded and he drove off as they all buckled up their seatbelts and Thomas drove.

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