|Chapter LXXXVI: The Price of Fear|

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Liliana was quietly slumped in the backseat of the one van that Dick was driving. She was fidgeting with the necklace she had around her neck, as Dick looked over his shoulder at her for a brief second. "You all right kiddo?" He asked and Liliana was shaking her head, as she leaned back into the seat.

"You ever think about what it would have been like, if we had never been adopted by Bruce?" She asked and he pulled over and stopped the car, as he turned quickly around in his seat to look at her. "Sorry, bad timing I know... I just, this life takes more people from this world faster then just about any other profession." She murmured and Dick sighed.

"We can talk about this, when we get through with the GCPD. We are almost there." Dick's voice was tight and there was worry there, as Liliana was sorry to have made him feel that way, but she had to speak her mind.

After driving for another few minutes, they pulled over and stopped their vans. "V, you there still?" Liliana asked quietly as she spoke into the earpiece.

"I'm half asleep, does that count toward being "there still" as long as I am still awake and, in front of the computers and screens?" Victoria asked with a loud yawn.

"Yeah, that counts." Liliana murmured and she stuck close to Dick, nearly stuck to his side like they had been dipped in gorilla glue. "Why are they all staring at us?" She asked softly.

"Probably because we have a sixteen year old with us." Dick replied under his breath and Liliana looked up at him for a second, before she was walking forward again.

"This seems excessive." Kory clearly spoke her mind and privately, Liliana agreed with her. But at the moment, it was the little Grayson who stayed in her own thoughts for once.

"Barbara, she cleared it with me earlier. It is all for show. They need to stand their ground." Dick explains under his breath to Kory and Liliana's worries, as Liliana was carefully now flexin' her hands open and closing the both of them quickly.

"This is just optics, right?" Gar clarified as the officers behind them were pushing in closer as Liliana had a bad feeling about all of this, and she was looking carefully at the many many police officers of the Gotham City Police Department all around the group, the Titans and her.

"Optics." Dick said simply and unfortunately, that was not at all reassuring enough for them and now Liliana was getting jumpy a whole lot, at every single noise.

Blackfire got pushed into Gar and in response, Conner was glaring at one of the officers, the one who had been idiotic enough to push his girlfriend.

"Easy. We are not here for a fight this time." It was Dick as usual now, just trying to be the smart one and to keep things calm. But unfortunately, a member of the GCPD had other plans for them.

"Move in!" Fletcher ordered from above and Dick threw his arm out to protect Liliana, who simply spun around to face the officers on the other side and planted herself back to back with her brother.

"Get out of here." Dick said and Liliana was grunting, as she held a couple of the other shields and she was shaking her head.

"I won't leave you all here, not like how you left me." That one hurt and Liliana had no time to debate how much pain she had caused him, as suddenly, they were fighting hard against the GCPD.

That is, until Blackfire got shot and everything went to hell.

Liliana went full "Eagle" and she yanked out her bo-staff, snapping it out to her full-length and she dealt decisive blows, lunging to deal with more of the police officers that were coming directly for the group, who were busy with GCPD members of their own.

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