|Chapter XX: Tyler Hackett|

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Liliana was watching from a rooftop across the alleyway, crouched on the edge of the rooftop and balanced easily on the edge, as Dick was threatening the drug dealers as Robin and she was shaking her head slightly.

"I am only here for Tyler Hackett." She heard him say and she would recognize his voice anywhere, it was a well-known fact by now to those that were close to him and she was smiling slightly despite the situation.

Liliana looked down to watch the drug dealers' reactions to it and Liliana shook her head at the one that must have been Tyler Hackett, as he was looking down immediately at the mention of his name and she watched, eagerly wanting to know what her big brother had been up to for the past year and a half, almost.

Dick jumped down from a fire escape and he landed on the hood of the other dealer's car and the drug dealers, the gangs and Tyler Hackett, they all looked at him on the hood of the car and they didn't really think much of him. "Leave the drugs, leave the guns and walk away." Dick threatened and instead of listening to him, the dealers turned their guns to the sky and the rooftops and in response, they were looking for Batman. Who as far as they knew, he could be here. But unfortunately for them, Batman was not here and instead, they were dealing with an infuriated and clearly pissed off Robin, who no longer had the same rules as he had back in the crime-run city of Gotham.

In order to avoid being seen, Liliana flattened herself against the rooftop and she was holding her breath, as she waited for it, for her brother to snap at something that they had dared to say in front of him. "Hey... it looks like the little birdie's alone..." That comment from one of them, that was what made her brother snap and Liliana shook her head, as she looked at the havoc that her brother was about to wreak on all of them.

Dick used his grappling mechanism to yank one of the dealers into the windshield and he fell to the ground, as Dick dropped smoke bombs and Liliana watched eagerly as the guns began to fire and she heard the familiar sound of shuriken being drawn. She watched as they flew through the air and all of them hit targets, as she watched the fighting.

Liliana winced at the sight of Dick forcing a man's head across the bricks and she felt sick to her stomach briefly, before it was lost to the violence and she looked at the fight, watching him with the bo-staff and she was smiling very slightly at the sight. Liliana started down her route from the rooftop, as she still had her suitcase and stuff with her, as she jumped down and she saw that Dick was forcing Tyler Hackett's face into the shattered glass of his driver's side window and she sighed, watching in silence still from atop a dumpster.

Liliana hacked into the cameras remotely from her watch and they were blinked out, as Liliana walked over to where Dick was standing. "Hey!" She called out, as her eyes were blurring slightly from tears and Dick looked over his shoulder and from behind the mask, his eyes widened at the sight of her standing there. "Don't I get a hug at least?" Liliana's voice trembled and Dick walked over to her and surrounded by dead or unconscious drug dealers, Dick hugged her immediately and Liliana was crying.

"I thought- I thought that-" Dick couldn't finish his words even and Liliana nodded very slightly at the painful look in his eyes, as he sighed. "Come on... let's just go." He murmured and Liliana was quick to follow him, as once she had gotten out of the picture, she let the cameras catch a couple of quick shots of Dick suited up as Robin, before they left and drove off in the car that he had gotten from Bruce years ago now.

It was also, according to Alfred's excellent memory, was the car that Dick had tried to run away in so many times, around 5 times apparently and Liliana was leaning against the passenger side window. "Never been to Detroit." She murmured under her breath.

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