|Chapter XIV: Arkham|

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Liliana's eyes blazed as she cut the engine of the motorcycle, leaving it in one of the alleyways not too far from Arkham and her eyes flashed. She looked around the alleyway and she spotted the nearest dumpster. She jumped up onto the nearby dumpster and then she jumped up onto the fire escape that hung down over it. Liliana managed to climb up the fire escape and scramble up to the rooftop, as she spotted the Asylum and she could see the Bat-signal from where she stood.

Liliana took a deep breath and she took a running start and managed to clear the gap between the building she was standing on and the one nearer to Arkham. She managed to get over to the roof of Arkham and she vaguely remembered Dick telling her about a rooftop entrance, she just had to find it. She could hear screaming in the asylum below her and she cursed loudly. "Screw it." She said and jumped off of the edge, spinning in midair to catch onto a windowsill.

Liliana managed to break through the window and came out into a hallway of chaos. She ducked the swing of a baton from a orange-wearing prisoner wielding it and she shoved him away, as she snapped out her bo. "This is crazy!" She said into her communicator, as she heard grunting and heard screams.

Liliana fought through prisoners and guards alike through the hallways, trying to break up as many of the dangerous brawls as she could. While also, she was fighting her way through the dark corridors to try and get to the lower levels, where the more dangerous prisoners were all getting let out by what would appear to be a power surge that knocked out most of their cells and the locks that were electric and primed to shock them. "Birds, you have to find a way to turn the power back on, or everyone is going to get killed." She said and she had managed to drop down the stairs a few levels.

"I'm working on it." Jason responded, as he was back at Wayne Manor in the Bat-Cave, as he spun around quickly from screen to screen, as he was typing. "I have some new appreciation for your talent and your abilities, of hacking and typing nearly at the speed of light."

Liliana cracked a grim smile upon hearing the words as she raced through the hallways and she ended up at the lit-up end of the darkest hallway, as the prisoners all turned toward her from the spots that they were standing, beating the guards to death and even beyond with both their own weapons and the ones that they had managed to build themselves. "Oh fuck. Get Batman over here... now!" She advised and they all ran toward her, since their main concern was attacking the nearest vigilante, rather than the guards that guarded them and prevented them from leaving.

Since Batman had put them there, they had decided to go after the nearest vigilante sidekick of his that happened to be nearby and she spun her bo-staff through the air. Liliana smacked at the non-lethal targets and she heard bones breaking loudly, as she was struggling to keep the prisoners at bay.

She smashed a smoke bomb down and within seconds, the prisoners were swinging blindly as she continued to take down prisoners three at a time, until suddenly she felt a needle plunged into the side of her neck. Liliana choked at the sudden flash that came over her and she turned around to see a smirk and her eyes were widening with fear at the person's face, the face that she had been taught to fear. She was dropped onto the ground and she felt a surge of fear running through her veins and as the beatings began, she thought that she heard a fear-filled scream, only to realize that it came from her own throat.

"Liliana." Jason realized that he heard an alarm beeping and he looked directly over to the screen on his left, the one that Liliana had told him to watch for her vitals. "Bruce!" He shouted and Bruce was already on his way, as Jason was scrolling through the numbers on the Wayne Enterprises Phone that doubled as Batman's phone and he found a familiar name. He pressed it and he prayed that someone would pick up.

"Victoria Dawson." The voice on the other side was a familiar one, which Jason silently thanked whoever might be watching over them.

"Liliana is in trouble at Arkham Asylum!" Jason spat out the words and he heard something immediately starting to move around on the other end of the line.

"You let her go to Arkham Asylum on her own?!" Victoria's shouting startled Jason and before he could say anything to defend himself for that, she was running quickly and so fast that he could actually hear the wind from her end of the line. "I'm on my way." She spit the words out and the phone line went dead.

"Bruce?" Jason asked uneasily.

"Almost there. Did you see what happened?"

"No. I just heard the alarm going off. Her vitals are growing increasingly unstable and her heartbeat is so fast that if you don't get to her soon, she could die from it. It seems like her adrenaline is off the charts... What does it mean?" Jason asked and Bruce growled at the mention of adrenaline and without warning, there was the sound of fighting and Jason could hear screams. "Lower level, cellblock A141504." Jason stated and he had the sense that the two vigilantes were fighting.

"I have got her. This looks bad, really bad." Victoria's voice crackled through the communicator and within the communicator, Jason could hear the wind rushing past them all and Victoria sped into the Bat-Cave. "I will be back with Bruce." She stated and Jason nodded, as he took the surprisingly heavy weight of Liliana, who was shuddering and when he checked her pulse, it was only continuing to quicken and beat faster.

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