|Chapter LXXXIV: The Power of Hate|

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|Gotham City,

8 Hours since Water Contamination|

Liliana was standing in the Gotham City Police Station standing on the left of Barbara, who was watching all of the police officers, detectives and the other members of the department all bickering among themselves about just what they were to do about the dosing of pretty much the entirety of Gotham City's population.

"Tell them what? That there is LSD in the water supply? We don't even know what we are dealing with here." One of the younger reporters interrupted and Liliana stepped up to look at them.

"We might not, but she sure as hell does." Vee had made a point of being kinder and more polite to Liliana ever since the sniper had shot the teenager through the shoulder during the forest fight between Nightwing and Red Hood. Well, not kinder, that wasn't the word for the way she had spoken. Perhaps the word was "more respectful" in a way that only an adult could be, to a teenaged girl, who acted far beyond her years in terms of her maturity.

"Vee is right. Everyone, this is Ghost. The girl who has been kind enough to work her ass off in order to help us try to find and take out Red Hood and Scarecrow. But long before she was Ghost, she was just a young girl that was, just all too unfortunate to be injected with fear gas by Scarecrow. She managed to survive, but she also knows what it is. Ghost, do you have any idea of what it could be? What is in the water, do you have a sample of it to study?" Barbara asked as Liliana was glancing over to her.

"It is a modified version of the fear gas that was used on me nearly three years ago. It was dumped into the water supply, was it nearly eleven or so, hours ago now?" The nod was all that Liliana needed to confirm her statement. "The original fear gas like what I was injected with, it was a lot different from this. It was stronger and it worked faster, which means that the stuff in the water would have been diluted." Liliana explained as the adults all turned around to look over at her as they listened, and she was suddenly nervous.

Her eyes flicked to Barbara at once when the panic started, she who was noticing the worry in her eyes and the tension in her shoulders, as she nodded her head slightly with a bit of an encouraging nod. "But that doesn't mean that in more concentrated doses of drinking the water, that the fear won't increase. It just means that at the moment, the strength of the fear might not be too strong. It might just be portraying itself as anxiety at first... but it will get stronger, if the history of Scarecrow can be trusted at all in this instance..." Liliana's phone rang and she winced a bit at the familiar ringtone, as Barbara made an excuse for her and Liliana walked a little bit too quickly over to the side.

"Thought that you weren't talking to me anymore." Liliana said under her breath, and she spoke into the phone and looked around to make sure that no one was looking in and listening to her words.

"I... that was a big fuck-up, I will admit it." Jason said and Liliana was shaking her head at his words, as she had her hand against her shoulder a bit and the wound, it was starting to bother her a bit.

"Is there a good reason that I have a 50,000 dollar bounty on my head? I'm assumin' that your boss has somethin' to do with it?" Liliana's tone, made it absolutely clear that she already knew that it was beyond a shadow of any sort of doubt.

"Look, I tried to convince him to keep you out of it. But he didn't listen to me obviously. You need to stay off of the streets..."

"I don't need to do anything, Red Hood!" Liliana whisper-yelled the words and she heard a sigh of pain from Jason's end. "You don't give me orders, Jason, you never have. And at this point you never will." Liliana said and she hung up, as she saw that Dick was glancing at her. "What?"

"You up for helping the others take down a massive, crazy people in an mob? Like an insane..."

"Just point me in their direction right now, big brother... I could use a really good fight right now." Liliana said and the coordinates came through on her phone. "Where is it?" She asked.

"In the trunk of my car." Dick stated and she looked at him and he sighed a bit, as he tossed her the car keys. "Do not crash my car." He warned her.

"Yeah, yeah." Liliana said and she opened the trunk to see that she had been right to ask. Her weapons and her suit were neatly laid out in the trunk of the car and she grabbed it all quickly, before, she drove off towards the coordinates.

Liliana parked the car and she jumped out quickly, slamming into one of the people from behind and they hit the ground hard. Liliana punched another person in the back of the head, who crumpled and Gar was able to get out of the death grip that the guy had on him.

Liliana held out her hand to him as Gar's eyes widened. Liliana picked up on it and she ducked as the axe nearly took off her head.

Liliana flipped backward and she looked at the guy who had froth out of his mouth.

"Come on, I'm just a kid man. Why would I hurt you?" She asked and he cut at her with the axe again, before a bullet suddenly went straight through the space between his eyes and right out the back of his head.

Liliana looked over her shoulder and saw that there was a figure standin' in the shadows, a gun in the hands of whoever it was.

Liliana's focus was back at the front, where six people were all working to surround her and she was backing up a bit. She reached for her bo-staff and the others lined up behind her.

"Bring Eagle in, dead or alive for 50,000 dollars. Kill her!" One of the men shouted and as soon as he did, he dropped to the ground from a bullet between his eyes.

"New objective," The voice echoed around the area and Liliana knew the voice, but she wasn't going to say the name, not here and not now. "Bring the Eagle to us, alive, and we can and will double the money." The voice cut off and Liliana looked around at them and they seemed to realize that their objective for 50k had just gotten a whole lot harder. With now, double the money on her head.

They all decided to leave, rather than to antagonize the crowd even more as it were.

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