|Chapter XV: Antidote|

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"I leave for a month... what the fucking hell were you thinking, Bruce?!" Victoria exploded at Bruce Wayne, who was running around the Bat-Cave and was clearly looking for something, as Liliana was convulsing on the table and her eyes were blazing with terror.

"I was thinking that she would be a good addition to the--" Bruce didn't get a chance to finish his sentence or whatever he was thinking of, as Victoria lost it on him once again and for once, completely and rightfully so.

"Bullshit! You thought that since you lost her brother to the rest of the world, that you would replace him with a barely fourteen year old kid!" Victoria shouted and her voice was cracking with pain as she turned back to look at Liliana, who was beginning to struggle to breathe. "Now my best friend is potentially dying on the table from fear!" She snarled at Bruce and Liliana's eyes were wild with fear, as she struggled and Victoria held her down for fear that Liliana would hurt herself more and Jason stood back, unsure of what he could do to help in this situation.

Bruce moved over and he held a massive needle in his hand and Liliana let out a rasping and hoarse keening cry at the sight of it, as she struggled harder and Bruce inserted it into her arm and Liliana slumped back down and the fight was suddenly gone from her, as quickly as it had showed itself and her eyes shut. Victoria looked at Bruce and her eyes were like fire, as she was shaking her head. "You realize that you could have killed her right? By not being there and just being up in that stupid party instead? If your new Robin hadn't had the sense to scroll through the Bat-Cave's phone to contact someone, you would have to explain to Dick why he can't see his little sister anymore. Can you honestly say that you would ever be ready for that sort of a conversation with him?" Victoria's tone of voice indicated that she already knew the answer, as she looked down at Liliana, who suddenly looked a whole lot younger than her fourteen years of age. Jason looked up at Victoria, who checked her watch and she sighed. "You should get her upstairs, let her sleep in her own bed. She might be out for a while, but she should get better soon... I hope."

"I'll get her upstairs." Jason answered and as he scooped up Liliana to carry her, he could hear Victoria and Bruce arguing and as Jason made his way up the tunnel, Alfred met him at the clock entrance and Alfred dropped the teapot that he had been carrying. It shattered all across the wooden floors and the liquid spilled everywhere.

"Oh-oh dear." Alfred looked as shaken as Jason had ever seen him and nothing had ever really seem to faze the older butler as Jason had found out soon after he had come to live with them all. But apparently there was one thing that could faze him, the potential injuries sustained by one of his charges.

At the crashing and shattering noise, Liliana's hand was gripping Jason's arm as a sort of automatic and subconscious sort of terrified reaction to the noise immediately after, as Jason looked at the younger teen who was still asleep in his arms awkwardly. Jason swiftly stepped over the mess and Alfred held open the door to Liliana's room. Alfred helped Jason put her onto the bed and Jason awkwardly looked at the doorway, unsure of what to do now. "I can change her out of it." Jason wasn't really at all surprised to see Victoria standing in the doorway and she looked at the quietly sleeping Liliana, who was still clinging to Jason's arm and he winced. "Hang on." She said with a low chuckle, as she walked into the room and she gently pried Liliana's hand off of his wrist. Well, gently for a half-Themysciran anyways.

"Thanks." Jason muttered and Victoria nodded slightly, as she waved him out of the room and she shut the door behind her. Jason walked to the kitchen and came back after a few minutes with a piece of cake and a six-pack of beer, which Alfred didn't even try to protest as he knew better by now.

Jason knocked on the door and Victoria opened it on the first knock, taking the beer at once without hesitation and she cracked one of them open. "Nice to see you too." Jason said and she looked at him, before she sat down on the other side of Liliana, who was shifting around in her sleep.

"I wasn't really angry at you earlier, Jason," Jason raised his eyebrows in a surprised manner at her words and she scoffed a little bit. "I was pissed at Bruce, I still am actually. He holds all of these dumb parties and then he expects us all to show up. Then the alarm goes off, he isn't paying attention and then," she motioned to Liliana and Jason tipped his own beer back as she continued to speak. "Shit like this happens. I mean... imagine if you were upstairs at the party and Liliana had nobody to watch her back and be her eyes. Then what?" She shook her head.

"Would she have died?" Jason didn't want to ask the question of the girl with the persuasion lasso around her belt the question, but he felt like he needed to know and Victoria looked at him and silently, she nodded and Jason blew out a heavy exhale and Victoria nodded slightly.

"You did the right thing by calling me you know." Jason lifted his head to look at her again and there was questions in his eyes. "Lilianna would have done the same thing for you, I'm sure of it Jason." She said with a half-smirk on her face.

"What makes you think that?" Jason asked and Victoria lifted her shoulders in a shrug, as she looked at the sleeping teen and Jason raised his eyebrows. "What makes you think that would be the case anyways?" He asked again.

"Because she trusts you. I know Liliana Grayson, if I know truly anybody here." Victoria pointed out and she smiled a little bit at the necklace hanging on the pegboard right next to the photos on the wall that mostly consisted of Liliana and Dick, then Victoria and Liliana and there was even Dick's graduation photo pinned up. The necklace she recognized, it was Themis the Greek God of Justice and she chuckled quietly. "Donna was right, it was the right choice." She said and Liliana mumbled something, as Victoria looked at her.

"We should take shifts watching her." Jason suggested and Victoria was nodding slightly, as Jason was already sitting next to the door and Victoria looked completely exhausted. "I'll do the first shift. I need to prepare myself for limited sleep, don't I?" He asked and Victoria laughed.

"Yeah okay Jason. Wake me up in-- five hours?"

"You got it." Jason said as Victoria left the room and she shut the door behind her, as she disappeared down the hallway.

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