|Chapter XXXVIII: Splitting Up|

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"You are going to be leaving me and the rest of us again, aren't you?" Liliana confronted Dick as soon as he left the breakfast table and Dick sighed at her. "Are you going to Donna this time at least?" She questioned and he nodded.

"Kid, I'm sorry. But I can't stay here with everyone and I'm sure that you get it." Dick murmured and she looked up at him, nodding slightly as she was shaking her head at the same time.

"You left a bit before my birthday last time and now, you are leaving the day after." Liliana murmured and Dick looked slightly pained by her words, as she was shaking her head. "I think that I might just stick with Rachel, Angela and Gar for a bit. See where the road takes me for a bit." She murmured.

"Have you told Jason?" Dick asked and Liliana choked on her coffee, as she looked at her brother and he smirked at her. "You should tell him, before you just simply disappear off into the distance without a word." He said and Liliana scoffed quietly, shaking her head.

"He knows where I am, Dick. I have my beacon if I'm in trouble and if all else fails, he can track me with the tracker in my arm. I will be perfectly fine, Dick. Trust me on this one, won't you for once?" Liliana asked and Dick smiled slightly at her, as they hugged.

"Is that one, not one of Jason's hoodies?!" He called out after her and Liliana flipped him off as she walked away and she heard him laughing, as she was shaking her head at him and his laughter was only more pronounced.

"Shut up Dick!" She snapped over her shoulder and she could hear him laughing at her, as she got her stuff from her room and her first instinct was to climb down the side of the building, vs using the elevator, but then she remembered that almost all of Bruce's safe houses were far enough up to make her a pancake climbing from halfway down, let alone the top of the building and she sighed. "I hate elevators." Liliana muttered to herself and she slipped her headphones on over her head, as she followed the group to the train station.

She brought her suitcase and her laptop bag with her and her duffel bag, which was all she had to begin with and her phone buzzed. "Hey Jase." She said as she was in the car with Angela and Rachel, keeping an eye on the two of them from a few seats down.

"Where the hell are you going? We have you on a course for Ohio?!" Jason asked and Liliana exhaled quietly, as she heard him grumbling in the background. "Why the hell are you going to Ohio?!" He shouted and she winced, ignoring the looks around her from everybody as she had her headphones on.

"Look, I just needed a break, all right? I'm just getting Rachel and Gar along with Angela, Rachel's mother safely back to their house and then I'm coming home... all right? I promise you, I won't be long." She said and Jason's sigh sounded heavy when she listened to it.

"I believe you, Lili. I just- we all really miss you, like I keep saying." Jason said and she snorted at his words. "What? You don't believe my words now?" Jason asked and she looked around at the people filling the seats on the train.

"I believe you. But somehow I don't believe that it is everyone that misses me. It might be too far of a stretch to say "we" when it might just be you, am I right?" Liliana asked and for the first time since she had known Jason, there was dead silence on the other end.

"Just call me when you get there?" Jason's voice finally came back and Liliana was smiling a bit at the words, as she nodded and she looked around. "Hey, I mean it." He said, for once with a real serious tone in his voice and Liliana smiled.

"Don't wait up." Liliana joked and when there was silence on the other end, she sighed. "I will Jason, all right? Just don't force yourself to stay awake for hours on end just so that you can hear me calling you." She said and they both hung up, as Liliana felt guilty about not going right back to Gotham once again, as she leaned back against her seat and resigned herself to the long train journey.

Only to be woken up hours later by Gar and Kory with a furious shaking, as they were worried and they were both paranoid. Liliana bolted off along with Rachel, Gar and Angela while Kory took off and distracted whatever was stopping the train.

Gar managed to "convince" a driver to part with his truck via tiger and she was the first one to hop into the backseat, while Rachel and Gar squished into the backseat along with her and the three relied on Angela to drive them away, as the train burst into flames.

Kory started driving after she had caught up to them and they were driving to Angela's house with Kory and Angela in the driver's and passenger's seats, while the three kids were shoved in the backseat and Liliana was grumpy with the fact that Rachel was currently, practically just sitting on her.

When they finally got there, Liliana was the first one out of the car and the very first thing that she did was call Jason, who was probably worried sick after seeing their course being pulled a lot off track.

"What the fucking hell happened?!" Jason shouted into her ear and Liliana winced.

"Ow. Apparently there was a US Marshal who recognized Kory, who is on a criminal watchlist by the way, on the train and we had to commit grand auto theft. You didn't miss much." Liliana said and she waited for the cursing to come, but surprisingly, he didn't start on a rant.

"Just glad that you're safe. Any chance you'll be coming home?" Jason asked and Liliana scoffed, as she was looking around at the countryside around her and she smiled a little bit at the surroundings.

"Gimme a day or two and I'll probably be calling and begging for you to go on a joyride with the Batmobile to come and pick me up... but for now, I think I'm going to get them all settled in. Any chance you won't freak out at my decision?" Liliana asked and he was laughing.

"Just let me know when you need a ride home." Jason said and Liliana smiled, as the line clicked and she heard Rachel's screams suddenly echoing through the area and she bolted into the house and she lunged forward at Kory without thinking as in a mirror, her eyes were glowing a vibrant green.

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