|Chapter LXXIV: Forest Fights|

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Liliana was driving through the woods on her motorcycle, as her eyes flashed and she was looking from side to side, as she tried to find out where Jason and Dick could be possibly fighting in the woods.

"I have a chopper in the air. If you don't find them soon, then they will and they fire on my orders. Don't screw up and fail."

That was what Barbara had said to Liliana, who was now rather frenetic as she tried to find them all.

Liliana had already gotten changed before she had left and she had guns on either side of her motorcycle, and she drove quickly around trees and she heard branches snapping and...


Liliana executed a hard left and she braked hard, which sent the bike into a forward tumble and she jumped at the height of it.

Liliana slammed into the both of them, knocking Jason to one side and Dick to the other, as she was shaking her head quickly. "You two are fighting each other, when Scarecrow is on the loose?! What the fuck were you thinking, taking him Dick?!" She snapped and Dick scoffed at her.

"Did Jason tell you, who he was working for this entire time?" Dick asked and Liliana looked at Jason, as his red helmet effectively covered all of his emotions and Liliana felt a stab of worry and distrust, as she looked at the mask that concealed the face of a guy that she had once trusted... and a guy who had kept her busy for hours, to ensure that she didn't get back in time to help the Titans with Hank to remove the bomb.

"Jason, what is he talking about? Who are you working for and why would it matter to me?" Liliana asked and he silently shook his head, as Liliana was looking back at Dick with the need for answers in her eyes. "Dick why would you ask me that?" She asked quietly as he shook his head.

"Jason is working for Scarecrow and his goons. The attack from Red Hood in prison was all staged. Jason told him everything." Dick said as he looked at her and Liliana felt like she just had the wind knocked out of her, like she suddenly couldn't breathe as Dick looked at Jason. "Are you happy now, you little shit?! Your tendencies are breaking my little sister, to a point that only your boss has done before! Or don't you remember that?!" Dick snapped at Jason, who pulled out a handgun and before he could move to fire at Dick, the gun was knocked from his hand.

An eagle shaped shuriken was sticking out of a nearby tree and Liliana's vision flared with red-hot rage and beneath it, was the agony and the pain of betrayal that fueled it for her.

"You asshole!" She roared and Jason seemed stunned at the sudden surge of rage, as Liliana was swinging with her bo-staff savagely as he fired at her and Dick was trying to get back in the fight, but Liliana was too angry for it.

Liliana's rage was fading, but the open pain over the betrayal wasn't and the shift in mood didn't go unnoticed, as Jason managed to kick her into a tree and Liliana staggered back, as Dick ran back to the fight.

Right when it looked like Jason was going to kill Dick, Liliana once again intervened and she kicked the gun out of Jason's hand, as they went hand to hand without weapons and to Dick's shock, they were matching blow for blow. "Holy fucking shit." He said as the two battled back and forth, until Liliana pulled out a knife and nearly got Jason with it, but he disarmed her and sent the knife spinning away into the woods.

"Never thought that you were any good with knives." Jason noted and she looked at him, and her eyes flashed with anger, rather than the humor of the past.

"Fuck you." She said and the fight continued, as Dick got up and he ran at Jason from behind. Unfortunately, Jason got thrown to the ground near one of his handguns and the three of them were in a nearly to the death fight when Gotham PD finally showed up in the helicopter.

They were so close together in their fight and then suddenly, a loud and far-sounding gunshot rang out.

All three of them were thrown flat onto the ground and yet, only one of them would have been hit. Jason was fine, he knew that and he looked over at the other two by force of habit, to see whether either of his opponents had been finished by the gunshot.

He heard whimpers, real quiet ones from the direction of Liliana Grayson and to his shock, she had blood that was coming out of her shoulder.

"Oh, god, no." Jason whispered to himself and he was scrambling over to her and staying low to the ground as she was still moving and her eyes were flickering open and closed. "Hey, just stay with me okay?" He pleaded a bit and she looked up at him.

"Jason?" She asked and he smiled a little, as he took off his helmet and she smiled a little in response, and then she slumped into the ground.

Jason swiftly picked her up and he resolved to himself, ordered that he would treat her no matter what Crane said to him.

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