|Chapter XXVIII: Military Tactics|

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It had only been a couple of days, but it felt like much longer. The time since they had found Rachel again and had discovered Garfield or "Gar" Logan and they were on their way to find a somewhat safe space to regroup. "Are you a hacker or something?" Gar asked and Liliana was glaring at him, already sick of the guy's tendency to run his mouth and she groaned, as he tried to look at her laptop screen and she slammed it shut.

"Dick, how much longer? I need to know how long we are gonna be, so I know how many minutes to count before I smash Gar's teeth in." Liliana remarked with annoyance in her words and just as she asked, Dick pulled into a crappy-looking motel and she smirked. "I'll get the keys, you guys stay here. Dick, order some pizza or something because I'm fucking starving. Being pissed at Gar, takes a lot of energy and calories in itself." Liliana stated and Dick nodded slightly, as she walked into the motel.

"Good morning. How can I help?" The woman behind the counter asked and Liliana smiled at the lady and she was hoping that her smile looked natural to the person opposite her because right now to Liliana, the smile felt brittle and fake on her face.

"I need five rooms, ideally close together if possible." Liliana said and she held out one of Dick's credit cards and the woman charged the card, holding out the keys to Liliana with a definitely genuine smile on her face. "Thank you." She said and she was walking away from the counter,  as Dick came in with four large pizzas. They found their rooms as Kory, Gar and Rachel joined them in Dick's room and Liliana was the first one to dig into one of the pizzas, much to the surprise of the rest.

"All right, guys. Listen up. We are all in one piece, more or less at the moment." Dick explained after he had checked the hallways around them, while Liliana watched the windows while eating her pizza that was in a box of its own. "We need to figure out where it is that we stand and determine what is mission critical." He stated and Liliana heard the laughter and the snickering from Gar and Rachel.

"Mission critical?" Rachel asked through a mouthful of pizza and it was clear that she was mocking him, but Liliana was sick of it and sick of people acting younger than her when they were older and her fist hitting the table, was enough to make most of them jump.

"We are trying to keep you safe, Rachel Roth, in case you have forgotten. We have a family of four, on your trail and wanting you for something. They are sociopaths and extremely dangerous and now, you are laughing. I chose to stay to protect you, God only knows why because I am really regretting it now. I could be at home right now in my own bed, getting sleep and eating but I chose to be here. Don't go throwing it back in our faces, just so that you can mock my big brother rather than listening to him." Liliana snapped and Rachel flinched at her rant, as Liliana sighed, shaking her head. "Let me know when you need me, Dick." She said and walked past him and went out of the door.

Liliana was about to walk into Dick's room, until she heard sounds that she didn't want to hear and she made a face, as she turned around to walk into her room again. Only to be lunged at by the brother and sister. "Fuck." Liliana snapped and the two lunged at her, the brother holding a new baseball bat and the sister with her rope thing.

Liliana ducked and spun, managing to throw her two attackers into one another and she raced down the hallway, with the brother and sister in hot pursuit and she felt the dart sink into her shoulder and she yelled in pain, as she felt herself getting yanked back. Liliana ripped the dart out of her shoulder and she threw it back in their direction, as she was kicked through her own door to her room and she grabbed for her case.

They lunged and the bat broke against the suitcase, as Liliana kicked out at the two and she backed up toward the window. "Why are you coming after me, anyways?" She asked and the two stopped in surprise. "I'm not your target." She pointed out.

"You all are, until we get Rachel Roth." The sister stated and Liliana scoffed.

"From the entrance, third door down on your left." Liliana stated and while the two debated whether to listen to her or not, she tossed down a smoke bomb and she disappeared past them and into the hallway.

Gar and Rachel were outside and Kory was down for the count, since she was out of power and Dick was nowhere to be seen along with Liliana. Smoke bombs rolled out from behind a nearby car, once the family had started to move toward them and two people stood amongst the smoke with bo-staffs in hand.

"Dick? Liliana?" Rachel asked and in response to her words, the two vigilantes spun around and started launching attacks of their own.

Liliana and Dick spun in a constant circle of movement, smacking around the family until there was only the mother left and Liliana's eyes flashed darkly behind the mask, as she spun her staff and the mother dropped the drill in surrender and Liliana looked over at Dick, who nodded very slightly.

"I'll go with Dick. Kory will stay with you two, just try not to get into trouble." Liliana said and there was a weird sort of small smile on her face, as she scooped up her laptop back and tossed her suitcase into the back. "Come on Dick, I'll start driving if you don't get your ass moving." She said.

"You're talking to a cop." Dick reminded her and Liliana looked at him.

"Oh really? Never would have guessed that." Liliana stated sarcastically with a more genuine smile on her face this time, as she got into the passenger seat and Dick got into the driver's seat and they drove off to visit "Adamson" whoever he was.

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