|Chapter XXXII: Understanding|

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"Hey, what happened to your shoulder?" Jason asked and Liliana raised her eyebrows at the question. "You aren't moving it and I can see the blood." He pointed out and Liliana grumbled a bit. "Let me see it."

"Shit." Liliana muttered under her breath and she got the jacket off, only to see that the wound was worse than she had thought. There was a deep gash and she looked slightly sickened by it as she was looking away from it.

"This might need a hospital." Jason murmured and Liliana felt the panic starting and he was shaking his head. "I jumped the gun a little bit... Ow!" He said after Liliana's other hand that had been holding his, had hit him in the gut.

"Asshole." She grumbled under her breath.

"You guys have seen each other for what, an hour and you are already hitting each other? Man, one of us should have brought the camera." Liliana jumped onto Victoria Dawson for a hug and the older girl laughed. "Hey kid. Hey J." Jason saluted and Liliana jumped down from the hug.

"Wait... you said one of "us" Dawson." Liliana didn't miss much, even when she had pain flooding her and Victoria looked like she wanted to kick herself for that one. "You brought her here?" She asked and Victoria nodded.

Carmen Little stepped out from behind Victoria and her mouth twisted at the sight of Liliana, who had her face impassive and emotionless, but her eyes were burning at the sight of her. "Why are you here?" The youngest of their group asked and Carmen rolled her eyes at her.

"Would you believe it if I said that I wanted to meet your brother, along with everyone else?" Carmen asked.

"No, I wouldn't. Not a chance in fucking hell." Liliana said and Carmen scoffed at her, shaking her head.

"How do you two deal with her?" She asked and at the words, Liliana looked about ready to tear her head off and Jason stood up, moving himself slightly into the middle of the two.

"She is a good friend to all of us. If you tried to let her in you could find that out for yourself and not have to take our word for it. Instead, you are clearly planning on making her explode." Victoria stated and Carmen shrugged at the words, which had Liliana shaking in anger. "Lil, she is trying to get a rise out of you. Don't let her." Victoria said and Liliana's eyes were shutting, as she tried to listen to their advice but the fourth person was not making it easy. Not even remotely.

"Why should we care about the broken kid?" At the words, Liliana snapped and she shoved Jason out of the way and lunged forward at her.

Liliana swung hard and they both hit the ground, grappling and swinging at each other and Jason swore. "Shit!" Jason said and suddenly out of nowhere, someone shoved past them all and picked up one of them in each hand.

Liliana was still struggling to get at Carmen, who was being held opposite to her and Dick was looking between the two as Carmen's face was completely covered in her own blood and Liliana was lunging at her still, but the pain in her shoulder was taking a toll on her.

"Stop it! Both of you!" Dick ordered and Jason took Liliana from him, as Carmen was quickly grabbed by Victoria before either of the two could inflict anymore damage to one another or anyone else in the safe house. "I thought that Bruce would have taught you all better then this." He said and he turned away.

"Come on Lili. Let's get your shoulder cleaned up." Jason said and he completely ignored Carmen, who was struggling to get to Liliana again, but Liliana was silent as she walked into the other bathroom where Dr. Adamson was not currently taking up residence in.

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